Lie to Me

Lie to Me (2009)

5 mistakes in season 1

(3 votes)

The Best Policy - S1-E7

Visible crew/equipment: At about 30 minutes into the episode, right after Cal says: "if Jeffrey knows about priox, he's going to jail. But I'm gonna be damn sure before I send him there", you can see a hand in the top right corner of the screen.


Pilot - S1-E1

Plot hole: The pictures James took were developed from his camera into photos even though he was arrested while taking those. How did they get developed? James' father didn't approve and his mother said she had found that stack of photos after the police searched his room. (00:26:30 - 00:30:00)

A Perfect Score - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: When Gillian and Eli talk with commander Markov about what happened with the X-48, he says "I was at the cruising altitude of 10,000 feet... Actually, ten-thousand-five."When they play back the recording, Markov says "actually, ten-thousand-five-hundred." (00:11:35 - 00:17:20)

Lie to Me mistake picture

Depraved Heart - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: 1.08 (Depraved Heart) Lightman is working late and his daughter drops by to bring him Thai food. As she's walking towards her father, her arms are crossed. Cut to the immediate shot from behind, and her arms are down at her sides.


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