The Prison Prep School Murder Case File 5 - S1-E14
Stupidity: When the Puppeteer is shot, like any good villain he's actually wearing a bulletproof vest. However, a bulletproof vest is not a magical forcefield that neutralizes kinetic energy; this guy barely flinches when hit. Neither are flames; his fire trick raises a literal firewall, but firewalls are not literal walls, they do not stop bullets. The policemen could easily keep shooting through it (he throws a glove at Kindaichi through it), but they just do not, for no reason.
The Prison Prep School Murder Case File 5 - S1-E14
Stupidity: The plot could work only if everyone part of the trip were completely silent during the day; even walking through the empty corridors to go from one class to the next at the top of the hour would have inevitably tipped the other group that there was someone else nearby. Some even scream or freak out hitting things.