Trivia: Originally intended as a television series for NBC, where co-creator Tina Fey had successfully run and starred in the popular cult-series "30 Rock" for seven seasons. NBC dropped the series, but it was instantly picked up by Netflix, who ordered two full seasons. It ended up being one of the streaming service's most critically praised original comedy programs.
Trivia: The role of "Titus Andromedon" was written specifically for Tituss Burgess after he impressed Tina Fey with a few small guest appearances on her previous series "30 Rock."
Trivia: Co-star Carol Kane has amusingly admitted than often, she has no clue what her bizarre and referential dialog means, but that she just commits and delivers it with the same gusto she would any other line.
Trivia: Star Ellie Kemper was actually a student of guest star Jon Hamm's acting class when she was in High School. They both found it very amusing that Hamm would go from being her old teacher to portraying a creepy perverted cult-leader who kept Kimmy held hostage.
Trivia: In addition to both being created by Tina Fey, "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" has several noticeable parallels to her previous series "30 Rock." Jane Krakowski is a major supporting character in both shows, and both of her characters are vain, wealthy women who have no concept of the "real world." Co-lead Tituss Burgess was a guest-star on "30 Rock" in several episodes. The construction worker who cat-calls Kimmy, realises he's gay and then begins dating Titus was the same actor who portrayed the construction worker who once cat-called Tina Fey on "30 Rock." And both shows have music done by Fey's husband Jeff Richmond. Fey has said that she was considering throwing in some more "30 Rock" 'Easter-Eggs' into "Kimmy", but decided not to, as she considers them to be similar but different "universes."
Trivia: Although they play mother and daughter, Sheri Foster is only 11 years older than Jane Krakowski.
Trivia: Every episode starts with the word "Kimmy" and is followed by a brief description. (Ex. "Kimmy Goes on a Date!") Only two episodes don't follow this rule, and both are in the fourth and final season. "Party Monster: Scratching the Surface" is primarily based around the Reverend character, so Kimmy's name is not in the title, and "Sliding Van Doors" is an "alternate history" episode referencing the movie Sliding Doors, showing how the series would play out if Kimmy was never captured, hence a different title since it's non-canon.