New! People photos

By Jon Sandys

Thu 22nd Jan 2009

I'm not entirely sure why I've done this, as it's taken hours and will probably not be that widely used, but it's an idea that burrowed into my brain and while I was trying to work on something else I suddenly got stuck into it. Anyway - the page that appears when you click an actor/director's name (or search for them directly) has had a bit of a facelift to make it look more like the film/TV show pages, with links under the blue box to take you straight to directing/quote sections.However, the most significant addition is that actors and directors can now have pictures added, in the same way that films and TV shows can - as an example, the late, great Heath Ledger (still got my fingers crossed for a best supporting actor Oscar for him): a couple of people have pictures so far, but please upload any of your favourites and they'll soon be flourishing...

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