
8th Oct 2003

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: When Drs. Jenson and Webb are looking at vampire blood on their monitor, the molecules are moving around in a liquid state. This would mean the doctors put a drop of the blood directly under the microscope. This method is antiquated and is not the routine procedure that has been in use for well over a hundred years. When blood is prepared for microscopic examination, it is smeared, dried, and stained on slides.

Jon Nicholas

Correction: This is vampire blood, however. As revealed far earlier in the movie (when Karen was saying that the cells were bi-convex, which was "impossible"), vampire blood is drastically different from human. Who knows how many differences the two have?


21st Jan 2004

Blade (1998)

Corrected entry: Frost is running his computer translation of the vampire bible because "it is a dead language" - yet when Blade shows the scrap of vampiric bible to Whistler, he is able to read it no problem - it doesn't make sense that Whistler can read it when the pure-blood council members cannot.


Correction: It makes sense that perhaps over Whistler's years of hunting for vampires, he may have done heavy research, which included some of the decyphering of the "dead language" of ancient vampires. Latin, after all, is a "dead language," and is spoken all the time; in this case, the language used in the Book of Erebus is just long unused, and Frost was using a quick means of not deciphering, but translating.


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