Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: She went to juvenile because she killed her grams and went there on October.

When was this mentioned and what October?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Question: What happens to Mouss after beating up and robbing John? He doesn't get his comeuppance, does he?

Cody Fairless-Lee

26th Nov 2020

Noelle (2019)

Question: I don't get the elves at The North Pole and Noelle's family seeing her as "selfish" or "immature." Three examples of this: 1. The elves call her a "princess" and antagonize her for her brother's disappearance. 2. Polly tells her "Worrying about someone else's Christmas and not your own. Now that is very mature." like she was never mature and selfless her whole life. 3. Right after that quote, her mother sent her a hurtful letter saying that she "acted selfishly, foolishly, immaturely, disrespectfully, childishly", etc. But why? Throughout the whole movie, she had been nothing but kind, selfless, caring, and friendly.

Cody Fairless-Lee

Question: So, what happens to David and Teddy after the movie is over? Wouldn't they be alone on Earth after David's mother dies again?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: It is implied that David dies after spending the day with Monica. The narrator says that he falls asleep and goes to "that place where dreams are born" which could be interpreted to mean the afterlife. Teddy's fate is never mentioned. However, the words of the narrator could also be interpreted literally, and David simply falls asleep and has a dream. It's up to the viewer to decide how they view the ending.


18th Dec 2019

Black Christmas (2006)

Question: Why would Agnes join Billy in his killing spree? She was a victim of him, losing an eye and her parents. She could've joined the sorority girls in stopping him.

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: Because Agnes is in love with her fatherbrother, and besides, they were invading her home, from her perspective.


Answer: Maybe like him she's also mentally ill, getting it from their mother. Maybe she feels doing this will bring them together.


20th Nov 2019

Family Guy (1999)

Answer: Because he's thinking that Brian is not as trash as he first thought. In an earlier episode you can see Quagmire saying everything he hates about Brian, him being scum, trash pretending to be deep, etc. So when he sees Brian not using a girl and being a jerk, but seeming exactly in love and about to marry her he changed his opinion of him.

12th Nov 2019

Good Boys (2019)

Question: I don't understand Max's punishment. In the ending, Max says "a month in the hole", but his father tells him that birthdays, holidays, and summers are cancelled. He also tells his son that "the devil lives inside him", to no longer call him "Dad", takes away his electronics, locks him in his room, and says that he will always love him, but no longer likes him. So, is Max grounded for life or is it "a month in the hole"? Are his birthdays, holidays, and summers really cancelled? And does anyone else find this ending to a comedy actually depressing because of the way Max's father treats him in the end?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: Max's dad probably over-reacted out of anger/rage over the drone and destroyed room and might have made changes after he cooled off. Plus, it was meant to be humorous. A "month in the hole" was immediately imposed; no more birthdays, holidays, summer, etc. would refer to after the month in the hole. Max's dad did not say he couldn't attend school-related events, such as the "Rock of Ages" show. Parents are supposed to give their kids unconditional love. A father can continue to love his son while disliking his behavior. Max's dad may have been unduly harsh (again, out of anger), but he still loves Max - which shouldn't be depressing. I don't think Max's dad said he was grounded for life, just grounded. However, Lucas told his parents that Max was grounded for life - an exaggeration.


So, even after being grounded for a month, he can't celebrate his birthday or summer vacation?

Not necessarily. Max's dad said those things in the heat of the moment. Although it is possible that Max's dad meant what he said (at least at the time), it isn't probable. The severity of the punishment given to Max was a reflection of how angry Mr. Newman was. A proud and loving father who tells his son "I will always love you..." is more likely to forgive Max so that they can return to their good father/son relationship.

Answer: He is grounded for a month, although he cannot have birthday parties or summers or anything.

So, even after being grounded for a month, he can't celebrate his birthday or summer vacation?

Cody Fairless-Lee

It's entirely understandable that Max's dad is totally peed off with Max for what happened with the drone and accidentally thrashing the house and probably said a lot of what he did in the heat of the moment. To totally deny the kid a vacation is one thing (and makes sense considering the grounding is for a month as the time frame is around that time of year) but a birthday as well? What the dad probably meant was no birthday party (and no fun) for that year, its not like four years later and "we're not going on vacation this year because you did something stupid when you were 12."

Neil Jones

And Mr. Newman saying, "No more summers" is probably meant to be an exaggeration to get across to Max the authority he has over him and ability to stop him from engaging in fun activities. Similarly, Mrs. Newman said, "Winter is coming!" The restrictions they put on Max might make him feel as though there are no fun, sunny, carefree days. The parents obviously cannot CHANGE what season it is, but they can impose restrictions that will make him feel as though it is a different season.


Question: Who was the African-American man with Laura Rose who punched Lionel and why did he punch him?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: After Lou was hit in the head by the trumpet player, it's unclear what happened to him. Moses is supposed to kill Lieberman, so presumably he was eventually murdered.


3rd Nov 2019

The Sixth Sense (1999)

Answer: One would assume. The father and everyone at the funeral just watched a video of her poisoning her daughter.

Brian Katcher

12th Sep 2019

Chocolat (2000)

Question: What exactly was Anouk doing when she hid crumbled-up pieces of paper under her blanket to fool her mother that she's just sleeping? What was she trying to do?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Question: Why would Lewis confess to Jonathan and Florence that he brought back Issac from the dead? He could've kept it a secret to avoid being yelled at.

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: He wanted to take responsibility for his mistake in order to help make things right.


19th Jun 2019

Men in Black (1997)

Question: How does K holding the galaxy and calling Zed to let the Arquillians know they have it prevent them from destroying Earth?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: The Arquillians are prepared to destroy Earth so that the Bug doesn't escape with the galaxy. MiB having it isn't a concern.


Answer: Presumably the Arquillians consider the galaxy to be in safe hands at this point and agree to hold off their attack provided the Men in Black deliver the galaxy to them.


18th Jun 2019

Men in Black II (2002)

Answer: As they show in the film, a small part of her survived, and was able to regenerate.

18th Jun 2019

Men in Black II (2002)

Question: I don't understand the timing in the third act. When the launch pad says "four minutes to launch" in the scene with Jarra, J comes to Laura's rescue in what feels like longer than four minutes. Also, even though J and K bring Laura to her ship so she can leave, how much time was there left before Earth and Zartha would've been destroyed?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: The fight lasted for about 3 minutes, of course there are cuts towards the worms so the fighting isn't fully shown on camera, but since the countdown did say 4 minutes when the fight starts, that's how long it took. As for how much time was left for Laura to enter the pod; The pod came down and would lift up again with or without a cargo, so when the pod went up the time was up.


4th Apr 2019

Super 8 (2011)

Question: Alice wants to see her father die for all he did to her. How come Joe doesn't want the same for his father for all he did to him?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: I don't believe Alice said she "wants to see her father die", and I'm not sure what you mean by "for all he [Mr. Dainard] did to her." Alice told Joe that SOMETIMES she wishes her dad would have died instead of Joe's mother. When Joe replied that she shouldn't say that because he is her dad, Alice got his point and did not continue to say anything else, such as that she really meant what she said. What did Alice's dad "do to her"? He did say she wasn't going to Joe's party (which she made up). He told her to go in the house and wanted Joe to leave. After Alice went to Joe's and tried to sneak back into the house after dark, Mr. Dainard told Alice to "leave", just like her mother did. As soon as Alice was out the door, Mr. Dainard immediately followed to get her back and suffered injuries trying to do so (but the "monster" got her). Alice probably didn't know her dad told Joe's dad (deputy) that he did not want Joe seeing his daughter again - she was "off limits."


What did Joe's dad (Mr. Lamb) "do to him"? He tried to get him to go to summer camp, but didn't make him. He said he wished Joe wouldn't hang around a certain friend (Cary) so much because he kept lighting things on fire - but didn't stop him. When Joe dropped a flashlight on the kitchen floor, his dad told him to pick it up. Mr. Lamb told Joe to make sure he fed their dog Lucy. Mr. Dainard made it clear inside the sheriff's station that Joe was not to be around Alice anymore, so when Mr. Lamb caught Joe with Alice on the street, he put Joe in the police car, took him home, and demanded that he stop seeing Alice and said they could not be friends. I don't see any behavior by Joe's dad that would make Joe want him dead.


Answer: Because they're two different people who have different emotions, different experiences, and would not react exactly the same way about their fathers.


4th Apr 2019

Super 8 (2011)

Question: Why would Joe and his father hug each other in the end? Mr. Lamb treated his son like dirt and yelled at him for being around Alice, bringing Joe to tears. The ending felt like an unearned father-son moment as well as an unearned father-daughter moment for Alice and her father.

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: The ending was rather weak and contrived in that it too quickly resolved the parent/child conflicts. The story's intent is to show that despite both fathers' faults and the conflicts they had with their children, that the dads do love their kids. The adversity brings everyone together, and the kids are able to forgive their dads and would not have wanted to lose them. Hopefully all will have more positive relationships in the future.


Answer: Mr. Lamb was overwhelmed by the possibility he could have "lost" his son that day. Hugging Joe tightly for an extended time and saying, "I got you! I got you!" was his way of expressing how relieved and elated he was seeing Joe was alive and well. Though not very good at expressing his feelings toward Joe, nurturing him, or engaging in positive communication, this demonstration of their deep-down bond suggests or indicates the father-son relationship will grow in a positive direction. Mr. Lamb's interactions with Joe had been more like a sheriff talking to a suspect or offender than a father talking to his son. The "monster", destruction, and chaos in the community (Lillian) created a life-threatening situation - but also served as a catalyst for rethinking one's roles, relationships, and priorities in life. Thinking back to the opening scene when Mrs. Kaznyk was at the wake and told her husband sitting next to her, "I don't think he [Mr Lamb] understands Joe", there is a sign at the end of the movie that this will not be true much longer.


29th Mar 2019

Venom (2018)

Question: Dora Skirth briefly mentioned to Eddie Brock and Carlton Drake about her family. Did she have a husband and/or children? Was she worried about what The Life Foundation would do to them? If she had a family, did they get compensated for being killed by Drake?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: She told Eddie that she couldn't go to the police out of fear for her family, and Drake had kind of ominously mentioned her children when she said they weren't ready for human subjects. If it could be proved that Drake murdered her, they might have grounds for a lawsuit, especially if they could prove he was acting on behalf of the Life Foundation.

Brian Katcher

29th Mar 2019

A Wrinkle in Time (2018)

Question: Why did Meg's mother want her to write an apology letter to Veronica after she left a mean note on her locker and call Charles Wallace crazy? It sounds like she's teaching her daughter that sticking up for herself and her family is wrong.

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: Meg's mother is actually teaching her to show compassion and to understand that there is reason behind Veronica's bullying. She suffers from extreme low self-esteem, and has developed an eating disorder as a result. She bullies others to validate herself. Just because Veronica is a bully is no excuse for Meg to retaliate in the way she did.


26th Mar 2019

Ready Player One (2018)

Answer: Just because they were lousy at parenting and treated him badly doesn't mean you want them dead or aren't upset they are murdered.


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