Joel Amos Gordon

8th Apr 2007

Babel (2006)

Corrected entry: The shooting of Cate Blanchett is worse than the 'Magic Bullet' that killed Kennedy. She is facing the front of the bus, leaning her head against the window to her left. The bullet hole appears in the window next to her (where it probably wouldn't have even hit her) and the bullet supposedly went through her left shoulder from front to back. Impossible with the bullet exiting the window beside her.

Joel Amos Gordon

Correction: Actually the boy is shooting from above the bus and in front to the right of the way the bus is facing. So how could the bullet possibly have come through the left side window?

Correction: Actually if you look at the shot of the kid shooting the bus you can see that Cate is actually shot through the window. It enters through the glass, then into Cate's shoulder.

4th Apr 2007

Babel (2006)

Corrected entry: When the Japanese girl writes the final note to the detective (the one she puts in her pocket) she was writing for maybe 15 seconds. When the detective looks at the paper later on it's covered with small print. There's no way she could have written so much in so short a time.

Joel Amos Gordon

Correction: First, the camera may not be showing all the time she was writing. Second, it takes no longer to write Japanese characters than writing in English, so, yes, she could have written so much in such a short time.

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