Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Hop picture

Continuity mistake: When the car in which EB is a passenger pulls up at the mall and parks, the window in EB's door is completely raised. Then the driver gets out and the window is a couple of inches down from the top. Then EB climbs out of the window - without winding it down - and the window is now about six inches down in the door.

Biggest mistakes of all time

It Chapter Two picture

Continuity mistake: When they finally arrive at the bottom of the sewer, Eddie's bandage is on a different cheek. (01:59:00)

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: At the start, when the camera pans through the doorway of Ms. Darbus's classroom, Zeke sits on a tall stool that is about 3 feet high. Oddly enough, in the following shots, the munchkin stool he now sits on only reaches the height of about 1 foot. (Did they really think we wouldn't notice?) The wood stool also moves forward a few feet. (00:00:50)

Super Grover

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Best recent entries

Barbie picture

Trivia: So much pink paint was used for set production in this film that it actually led to a global shortage.


Biggest Pixar mistakes

Cars 3 picture

Continuity mistake: Before the race in Thomasville Cruz has the 20 number only on her right side but later she has the number also on her left.


Biggest Marvel mistakes

Thor: Ragnarok picture

Continuity mistake: When Karl Urban is defending the Asgardians, the dust covers on his rifles vary between being open and closed several times. M16 dust covers are sprung loaded - they open on the first shot and have to be manually closed afterwards.

Best trivia

Star Wars picture

Trivia: On its initial release, the film was booked in just 37 theaters. It ended up breaking 36 house records.

Cubs Fan

Best quotes

Downsizing picture

Ngoc Lan Tran: What kind of fuck you give me? What kind? American people, eight kind of fuck. Love fuck, hate fuck, sex-only fuck, break-up fuck, make-up fuck, drunk fuck, buddy fuck, pity fuck.

Movie quote quiz

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"So, while her stepfamily scratched newly-found itches / Ella was off, glad to be away from the... witches."
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Best questions

The Green Mile picture

Question: When the guards are talking to Percy in the restraint room, Paul says he knows he sabotaged Del's execution. Why did he let him get away with it?


Chosen answer: Percy's aunt is married to the state Governor, giving Percy powerful connections. All it would take is one phone call from Percy and Paul and the other guards could lose their jobs and if Percy wanted to, never find jobs again. Something Paul or his friends didn't want to happen.

The characters talk about this several different times in the movies, how political connections can ruin careers.


Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: The Force Awakens picture Star Wars: The Force Awakens mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Rey touches Luke's lightsaber she begins to have the vision, and when she falls to the floor the blaster is missing from the back of her belt, but after she "sees" Luke and R2 and then stands up the blaster is back again, tucked into her belt (even though Rey's having her vision of things all around her, she herself is not a vision).

Super Grover

Biggest Disney mistakes

Hercules picture

Continuity mistake: When he sees Meg in the river of death, he reaches down and touches it. Then, when he jumps in, he makes a dive of at least 50 feet. (01:11:25)

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Sacha 56
Phaneron 23
Rob245 21
Super Grover 19
lionhead 16
raywest 14
Bishop73 13
ChristmasJonesfan 10
zenee 10
TedStixon 9
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