Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Shrek 2 picture Shrek 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Shrek first meets Puss In Boots, Puss In Boots bursts out of Shrek's clothes "Alien" style leaving a tear. Then when we see them enter the Fairy Godmother's factory the tear is gone for the rest of the movie. (00:32:35 - 00:38:30)

Biggest mistakes of all time

Battlefield Earth picture

Factual error: Amongst the essential parts of a nuclear weapon's detonation mechanism is a radioactive isotope of tritium, which has a half life of just 12 1/2 years. The tritium in every nuke on earth has to be replaced every ten years or so. This is by no means unusual; there are other perishable parts including detonators made of conventional explosives which would be completely inert after a thousand years. After lying dormant with no maintenance at all for that amount of time the nuclear weapons the 'Man-animals' find would be big shiny paperweights and not much else.

Best pictures

Revealing mistake: While Poe leads the aerial assault on the oscillator, in the closeups of Poe and other X-wing fighter pilots, note the cockpit windows at the pilots' left and right have identical marks and scratches in their individual X-wings. It's particularly noticeable when one closeup follows another.

Super Grover

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Airport 1975 picture Airport 1975 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The small plane's pilot identifies the aircraft as 232Z. But in the exterior shots, the aircraft's identification is N9750Y. (00:35:00)


Biggest Disney mistakes

Dumbo picture Dumbo mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the elephants are making fun of Dumbo in the train caboose, Dumbo's mother pulls a pin which causes the stall door above the other elephants to fall. When the door bounces back up, you can see that the animators forgot to draw the elephants' heads and trunks and only their bodies are visible.


Biggest Pixar mistakes

A Bug's Life picture

Factual error: The size of the shadow of an object depends upon its distance from the light source, not the surface it falls upon. Lifting the cutout of the bird a few inches closer to the sun as they do would make absolutely no difference to the size of its shadow, yet it quadruples in size.

Best quotes

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory picture

Grandpa Joe: Mr. Wonka! I don't know if you remember me, but I used to work here in the factory.
Willy Wonka: Were you one of those despicable spies who everyday tried to steal my life's work and sell it to those parasitic copycat candy making cads?
Grandpa Joe: No, sir.
Willy Wonka: Then wonderful, welcome back.

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Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi picture

Revealing mistake: When Luke is being fed to the Rancor, in Jabba the Hutt's dungeon, there are black outlines around the beast's legs, from the composite's blue screen special effect. This was edited out in the special edition rerelease.

Best trivia

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Answer: Jill Mullan.

Donald Jenkins

Answer: Haviland Morris.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Black Widow picture

Factual error: The sisters run out of fuel for the helicopter, which is then shown slamming down on the ground and essentially destroying itself. All helicopters are capable of autorotating safely to the ground in the event the engine(s) quit. Of course, that would not have been as dramatic. (01:05:15)


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Suggested correction: You may have noticed the helicopter was severely damaged, it may not have any rotating capabilities left after the fuel was gone.


I did notice it, but it did not look that any damage would prevent it from autorotation.


Perhaps the sisters (not being experienced helicopter pilots) couldn't use the autorotation properly.

OK, while that may be a possibility, if they have a helicopter pilot's license they would have had to demonstrate autorotation as part of both the curriculum and the practical exam. But listen, it's just a movie. The way they did it makes it more dramatic.


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