Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Fast X picture

Other mistake: Dante and The Agency both have extensive photos and videos of the team's previous exploits. Trouble is that most of it is simply stills and footage from the previous movies in the franchise, often occasions when nobody was around with a camera to witness and document what was going on, certainly not at the angles we see.

Jon Sandys

Biggest mistakes of all time

Star Wars picture

Other mistake: Before Uncle Owen yells for Luke, if you look very closely, a fly can be seen on the lens (best seen on the special edition release). The fly was removed in the 2019 release.

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: After the Stormtrooper tells Darth Vader the Death Star plans are not in the main computer, when Vader lifts the Rebel off his feet by his throat as the Rebel tells him they intercepted no transmissions, take note of the leg plates on the Stormtrooper to Vader's right. In the wide shot, the Stormtrooper's left leg armor does not have the knee protector plate (it looks as if it's at his right knee because the extra switched them), but in the next closeup the knee plate appears at his left knee, as it should be. The trooper also appears to go from right handed to left handed weapon carry. (00:05:40)

Super Grover

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Best recent entries

The Three Stooges Show picture

Show generally

Continuity mistake: "Rusty Romeos," a 1957 short co-starring Joe Besser, is a remake of "Corny Casanovas," a 1952 short co-starring Shemp Howard. In a scene using stock footage from the earlier film, Moe and Larry are fighting, and a framed photo of Shemp is on a small table next to the couch. In the following scene, using new footage, the photo is of Joe. (00:15:10)

Steven Lee

Best quotes

The Uninvited picture

Matt: I love you... I have a condom.

Movie quote quiz

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"Move children! VĂ¡manos."
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Best trivia

Joker picture Joker trivia picture

Trivia: The font used for Live With Murray Franklin is identical to the Batman animated series titles. The name of the font is "Plaza," for those that might be curious.

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace picture

Continuity mistake: Darth Maul's neck is black, but when he is talking to Darth Sidious on Coruscant, his neck is flesh-toned. (00:38:45)

Best questions

Carrie picture

Question: When Tommy and Carrie are at the prom, does he start to like her for real, or is he just pretending to make Carrie feel better about herself?

Answer: He starts to genuinely like her, hence his disgusted reaction at the sick practical joke played on her.


Biggest Marvel mistakes

Spider-Man: Far From Home picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter and MJ hug on Tower Bridge he gets some blood from his face onto the left shoulder of her jacket. From other angles there's no blood.

Biggest Disney mistakes

Tangled picture Tangled mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair, there is a shot from behind him and he reaches up with his right hand to push her hair behind her ear. His arm is visible up to his forearm and the shackle is nowhere in sight. However, in the next, wide shot, the shackle is suddenly up around his wrist. (01:01:20)


Biggest Pixar mistakes

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Super Grover 19
lionhead 15
raywest 13
Ssiscool 12
Bishop73 12
zenee 12
ChristmasJonesfan 10
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