Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Dune picture

Continuity mistake: When Paul comes to the table three chairs are free, when his father comes there is only one chair free - the third chair is suddenly missing. (00:49:30)

Biggest mistakes of all time

Jaws picture Jaws mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Hooper wears rimless eyeglasses, with the arms either attached at the upper corners of the lenses or at the sides of the lenses. If this didn't happen between shots within the same scenes, it could be presumed that Hooper has two different pairs of glasses and switches between the two, but they do indeed change between shots, such as when Mrs. Kintner slaps Brody, or even later, on the Orca. (00:36:05)

Super Grover

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Frasier picture

Trivia: The bar "Mahoney's" is named after the late John Mahoney, who played Frasier's father in the original show.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Finding Dory picture Finding Dory mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Dory reads the wall map while she's in the glass carafe, when Hank hides behind the rolling cabinet there's a long shot of the corridor with him at the far wall, then in the next shot from behind Hank a drinking fountain has suddenly appeared on the wall to the left, between two pictures.

Super Grover

Best questions

Answer: Jill Mullan.

Donald Jenkins

Answer: Haviland Morris.

Biggest Disney mistakes

Best quotes

Wonder picture

Mr. Tushman: Auggie can't change how he looks. Maybe we should change how we see.

Movie quote quiz

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"You know what Mitchell? You're the biggest pussy I've ever seen in my life. Didn't even try. How does that feel?"
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Best trivia

The Boondock Saints picture

Trivia: The word "fuck" and its derivatives are used a total of 246 times.

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi picture

Revealing mistake: When Luke is being fed to the Rancor, in Jabba the Hutt's dungeon, there are black outlines around the beast's legs, from the composite's blue screen special effect. This was edited out in the special edition rerelease.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Spider-Man: Far From Home picture

Continuity mistake: When Peter and MJ hug on Tower Bridge he gets some blood from his face onto the left shoulder of her jacket. From other angles there's no blood.

Member Entries & comments
Sacha 43
Phaneron 26
Rob245 20
Super Grover 19
apikachu68 13
Ssiscool 13
zenee 12
Bishop73 11
lionhead 11
FleetCommand 10
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