Nick Bylsma

15th Aug 2007

Cruel Intentions (1999)

Corrected entry: Besides her being a little too virtuous, one of the roadblocks to Sebastian "bedding" Annette was her boyfriend, Trevor. He is mentioned twice in the film, yet the plot ultimately steamrolls over Trevor, as though he never existed.

Correction: My theory is that Trevor and Annette had actually broken up sometime after the article was written. As Sebastian pointed out, "You haven't mentioned him until now." Annette did not want to seem vulnerable and broken-hearted, so she told him that Trevor was in Europe. Regardless of whether Trevor actually went there, Annette was only pretending that they were still dating. It's also possible, as another correction suggests, that Trevor was a "character" created for Annette's magazine article.

Correction: "Trevor" is just something that Annette throws out there to keep Sebastian coming back. She enjoys baiting the hook and watching him squirm (she has cruel intentions). She would sleep with him if she wanted to (like she did with the instructor), but then she wouldn't be able to play her little mind games with him. (This has happened to me more than once in real life, a girl that won't go with me because she already has "someone else in mind", even though that's not the truth).

Nick Bylsma

I believe that Annette may have created "Trevor" just for the article in the magazine. She wanted female readers to read about her and a boy practicing abstinence in their relationship.

What instructor did Annette sleep with? Are you thinking of Cecile?

The submitter has mixed up characters. Kathryn, not Annette, slept with the dance instructor. Kathryn is also the one who plays "games," not Annette. The whole movie is about Annette being "better" than Kathryn. This is not a valid correction.

I think you are mixing up Annette and Kathryn. Annette, played by Reese Witherspoon, never slept with an instructor or played mind games.

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