
Corrected entry: When Alice is putting in Bella's hair clip before the wedding, she puts it in once, and the shot changes angle and you see her put it in again. It's because the girls change places too, first Alice is on the left and Rosalie is putting the clip in her hair, it pans out and back at them and then they are on opposite sides and Alice is putting the clip in.


Correction: The moment of putting in the hair clip in is just overlapping by change of angle and capturing Bella's mimic. And Rosalie and Alice don't change places, it's just the view in the mirror between the views from in front of all of them.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Esme takes sandwiches to Jacob, Leah, and Seth, she holds her hand out to give them the food. The scene cuts to another angle, and she offers them the food again.


Correction: I've watched this several times. Esme actually offers the sandwiches to each person (Seth, Jacob, and Leah) one-at-a-time. Esme first gives a sandwich to Seth, who takes it, but when one is offered to Leah, she refuses. Esme then hands a sandwich to Jacob.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Edward & Victoria are fighting, Riley has his hand bitten off by the wolf, yet when Victoria has both her hands around Edwards neck to try and kill him, Riley has hold of both Edwards arms behind his back. How can someone without a hand restrain someone?'


Correction: By hooking his elbows around Edward's arms and then grasping his own forearm with his remaining hand. Pretty common joint lock actually; it's pretty simple to break someone's grip, but a lot harder to break their arms. He probably would have done it that way even with two hands.


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