
28th Sep 2003

Chicago (2002)

Corrected entry: When Velma Kelly takes out a bill from her garters after saying, "Couldn't buy it?" you'll notice the bill is a modern dollar bill. Dollars like that were not made until at least the creation of the mint, which occurred during the Great Depression and created by FDR.

Correction: The United States Mint only creates coinage - not paper money. It was established in 1792. The United States' Treasury's Bureau of Printing and Engraving prints all U.S. paper currency. It was established in 1862. Frankin D. Roosevelt began his presidential term in 1933, and had nothing whatsoever to do with the creation of the Mint.


25th Sep 2003

The Simpsons (1989)

Correction: However, it is NOT possible for the Simpsons to live in Kentucky. The Simpsons' beach is an OCEAN BEACH. It not only has whales and dolphins in it, it also (in several episodes) is used as a transportation/trade route. Remember the shipment of Hot Pants in the "soul mate" episode? Remember the time Willy was deported because of the illegal immigrant laws? The fact that there's a rocky shoreline and a lighthouse (even one operated by E.A.R.L) shows oceanfront. There (for the geographically impaired) is NO OCEAN in Kentucky. In addition, there's no Evergreen Terrace (nor Evergreen St., Ct., Ave., Blvd., etc) in Springfield KY.


Springfield contiguously changes, that's part of the running gag. Sometimes it's landlocked.

Corrected entry: Throughout the movie, we see Rieban firing his B.A.R and there are flashes at the end of the barrel. All B.A.Rs had a flash supressant at the ends so no flashes should bee seen.

Correction: Hiding the flash from enemy troops when firing on them isn't the purpose of the hider, all automatic weapons are easily visible when fired at night. It blocks the muzzle flash from the vision of the shooter, maintaining his night vision. Unless the camera was looking directly down the BAR (from the shooter's) point of view, seeing muzzle flashes would be natural, and expected.


Show generally

Corrected entry: In season 7, it is often said that for one of the potentials to be activated, Buffy will have to die. However technically, Buffy is not carrying on the slayer line - Faith is as Buffy gave this up at the end of season 1 when she died. Even if it is possible for her to still carry on the slayer line, how come another slayer wasn't activated when Buffy died for Dawn in the season 5 finale "The Gift"?

Correction: Joss Whedon explained this one himself in an interview. He explained that when Buffy died the first time that triggered Kendra (and after Kendra died, this triggered Faith). Joss explained that the triggering ability only works once for each slayer so Buffy's second death would not call another slayer whereas Faith's death would.


27th Aug 2003

Ghost Ship (2002)

Corrected entry: In the scene when the crew first enters the ballroom on the Antonia Graza, Julianna Marguiles pretends to be a ships hostess and says, " name is Julie...". Her name in the movie is Maureen Epps. Julie being an abbreviation for Julianna.

Correction: What she is pretending to be is the Cruise Director - and the most famous cruise director is Julie McCoy of The Love Boat. When she says "Julie," it has nothing to do with being an abbreviation for her own name.


Show generally

Corrected entry: During season 1 it is mentioned a few times that if the Master rises the Hellmouth will open, since his being trapped in it has jammed it up. In 'The Wish' we see what Sunnydale would have been like if Buffy hadn't gone there and he had risen, so why didn't the Hellmouth open?


Correction: After Anya has made Cordelia's wish come true and all have entered an alternate dimension, there is no reason to believe that what was held true in one dimension also holds true in another. Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable for the Master to be footloose and fancy free in an alternate dimension, and never confined.


Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Annette Bening asks Michael Douglas how he managed to be president and give a woman flowers at the same time. He said that it turns out that he has a rose garden. Does this rose garden grow baby's breath also?

Correction: This is an attempt at humor - and referencing the famous White House Rose Garden. Whether he actually got the flowers from the Rose Garden is moot - as is the baby's breath.


The Wish - S3-E9

Corrected entry: During 'The Wish', when history has changed and the Master has risen, where are Collin, Darla and the Anointed One, the Three or any of the other favoured acolytes from season 1? Buffy never killed Collin or the Three, Angel wouldn't have killed Darla if it hadn't been for Buffy and the Master would surely have been able to protect the Anointed One from Spike. Even allowing for Angel and the White Hats to have taken out one or two of them, surely at least one of the group should have been there? This is technically the real world as altered by Anyanka's temporal fold, not any kind of alternate dimension. This is what the world would have been like if Buffy hadn't come to Sunnydale, so anybody who would be alive if it weren't for Buffy should still be alive.


Correction: Colin and the anointed one were the same person and with the prophecy regarding the anointed one being linked to the slayer, no slayer equals no anointed one, same with the three, they were only called on to take out the slayer. Which leaves Darla, who still could have either been killed by Angel, after all she was part of his destiny.


2nd Jul 2003

Down Periscope (1996)

Corrected entry: During the beginning of the movie, Dodge is referred to as Captain by both of the admirals. When 'Captain' Dodge is meeting his crew for the first time, he introduces himself to his XO as 'Lt. Commander Dodge'. At the end of the movie, the 3-star Admiral addresses Dodge as 'Commander Dodge'. To the best of my knowledge, Lt. Commander, Commander and Captain are three different ranks.

Correction: The Admirals are addressing Dodge as the captain of a ship, not a Captain in rank (in the US Navy, all ship commanders are referred to as captain, no matter what their rank). And while it is true that Lt. Commander and Commander are different ranks, the title "commander" is interchangeable (as is the practice of calling a Lt. Colonel "colonel").


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