
15th Aug 2008

The Orphanage (2007)

Question: The game they play near the start (the knock on wood game) seems pretty interesting. Is the point of it not to get caught moving or is there another goal? Also, can someone help me with the Spanish translation? I can't hear what the Spanish for Knock on Wood is. Thanks.


Chosen answer: It's a Spanish version of Red Light, Green Light where you'd try not to get caught moving. I haven't watched the film in a while but I believe she says "Uno, dos, tres, toca la pared". Hope that helps!

Angela Brown

18th Feb 2008

Finding Nemo (2003)

Chosen answer: No, the picture is never seen throughout the movie.

18th Feb 2008

Finding Nemo (2003)

Chosen answer: "A mollusk walks up to a sea cucumber and... [Most of the joke itself is missing here, as we only get to hear the beginning and end of it] the sea cucumber turns to the mollusk and says 'With fronds like these, who need anemones?'" It's a pun on the term "with friends like these, who needs enemies", only with words more suited for an aquatic environment.


Question: What is the name of the song being played when they are messing about in the muddy field? It's also at the end of one episode of Cold Case: Anyone know the name of that episode?


Chosen answer: It's by Creedence Clearwater Revival and the song's called "Have You Ever Seen The Rain". The episode of Cold Case it's in is called "Look Again".


Question: Why is there so much blue symbolism in Kate Winslet's house. I know her hair is blue, but are we to believe she changes the colour of everything in her house when she changes her hair colour (which is often, apparently)?


Chosen answer: Psychologists believe blue is a 'peaceful' color, as opposed to agressive colors like red. Experiments seem to show that people are genuinely effected emotionally by use of colors. Blue would promote a clear, calm - dare I say spotless - mind. Note this is also used in Forrest Gump; almost everything Gump wears is blue, suggesting again his calm, uncluttered thoughts.

Question: Why does Kaitlin have the horrible scar on her face after Evan saves the dog? She didn't have a scar before, even though she got hit quite hard.


Chosen answer: The time that Evan goes back and saves the dog, she gets hit in a different way and her cheek is split open - hence the scar. In the "original" timeline, she got hit in the head, not the cheek.

Paul Plesser

Are you making an educated guess? How could you possibly know that she got hit in a different way on her cheek if they don't show that in the movie?

Melanie Lynn Baker

They are not making an educated guess at all. In the original timeline, her brother struck her in the side of the head, she bled/was injured but no visible scar. In the altered "blackout" timeline when he goes back and tries to save everything/fix it, somehow it shows Kayleigh getting hit in a different spot. When her brother swung, it smacked her in the side of the face instead of the head, splitting her cheek wide open, leaving a visible injury/scar later on. It was most definitely shown to us.

Answer: They are not making an educated guess at all. In the original timeline, her brother struck her in the side of the head, she still bled and was injured but no visible scar. In the altered "blackout" timeline when he goes back and tries to save everything/fix it, somehow it shows Kayleigh getting hit in a different spot. When her brother swung, it smacked her in the side of the face instead of the head, splitting her cheek wide open, leaving a visible injury/scar later on. It was most definitely, 100% shown to the audience, when her brother struck her differently. Lol.

Answer: First of all you need to remember that this sequence started right after Evan makes that big scene by using some sharp object on those two criminal brothers in prison to get his journals back from them. Now later when Evan is able to save the dog, he wakes up in his bed and starts bleeding as a repercussion from storing all those years of memory of this new reality at once, but the flashes that are shown when he wakes up are actually the flashes about how the reality changed after he saved the dog and Kayleigh's brother dies instead. In one of those scene it is shown that the grown up mentally disturbed Kayleigh asks for a lift and those same two criminal brothers are shown in the car she gets inside. So we can assume that the line of business she is shown in later and those scars she has is actually due to her getting along with the wrong people.


You can actually see in the scene where he saved the dog, Kayleigh's cheek was split open.

Question: What was the picture Evan drew all about? He didn't kill anyone, he had no recollection of drawing it and it seems to have only been put there so he would start his journals.


Chosen answer: The picture depicts the scene in the prison where Even stabbed the inmate.

Question: I read an interview with Peter Jackson that basically showed him this site and he commented on it. One of the mistakes was the notorious car question and Jackson said "We saw it but we didn't think anyone else could, so we left it in". However, a trivia just posted has stated that in the commentary, he denies knowledge. Did anyone else see that article and/or hear any other reports. I'd hate to think I was losing my mind....


Chosen answer: The article is at You're not losing your mind.

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