Corrected entry: During the scene when Loveless is talking about taking over the U.S. and he mentions some states and Arizona is one of them. Arizona was not a state when Grant was president. (He may have mentioned others that weren't states yet, but this is the only one I remember completely.)
Corrected entry: After Artemis gets rid of Loveless' lady henchmen, the Pres. tells him to come over and drive. While trying, he pulls the middle lever, and the sound of the fireball and explosion is heard. Earlier, when Loveless was destroying the town, he pulled one of the levers to the side to launch the fireball.
Correction: Loveless always used the middle lever to launch the Fireball; the ones on the side were used to aim and steer.
When he fired at the train in the first scene with the president he did pull the right lever to fire and not the middle.
Corrected entry: When fighting the man with a metal head, at the end of the fight he hands this metal pipe to the man with the metal head and as he is getting ready to clobber Will Smith he gets electrocuted. There is no reason shown before the next scene.
Correction: The "man with a metal head" is obviously a Cyborg. A Cyborg with an iron pipe who's just walked between two large Copper Conductors. He's dead.
Those "copper conductors" are actually large steam pipes. You can see when Loveless gets back into his wheelchair and shoots at West. The bullets puncture both pipes and steam is shooting out from both of them.
Corrected entry: When Jim West and Artemis Gordon are riding away from the train, you can see that Jim is a doll. He's too stiff when he's riding to be a real person.
Correction: Jim has probably been riding horses since he was a teenager and possesses more than enough experience to remain steady on almost any one of them. And you can see him use that exact posture and exact speed when he's heading to and from the White House. Apart from which; nobody's going to be stupid enough to stick an inanimate Doll on top of a horse and then set him loose over open land.
Corrected entry: Why does that metal bloke short circuit?
Correction: He's obviously a Cyborg. A Cyborg carrying a large metal wrench, who's just walked between two even larger conductors. That sort of thing tends not to be very conducive to the health of such creatures.
Correction: True, Arizona was not a state. However, Arizona was organized as a separate territory from New Mexico on February 24, 1863.