Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Hop picture

Continuity mistake: When the car in which EB is a passenger pulls up at the mall and parks, the window in EB's door is completely raised. Then the driver gets out and the window is a couple of inches down from the top. Then EB climbs out of the window - without winding it down - and the window is now about six inches down in the door.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Bloodshot picture

Factual error: When Ray leaves his wife Gina and his car is hit by the truck he should still be in England, but when he is being chased through the streets he is in South Africa, the cops in the car are not in English police uniforms or vehicle, police livery is incorrect, and all vehicles have South Africa plates, not English number plates.

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: When Portnow meets with Bishop at the church, in the first closeup of Bishop's crossword puzzle the word "MUD" is the second word across at the top, and at the center of the puzzle the 4-letter word "GEAR" is written in the 5-letter answer - with the fist space left empty. However, in the next closeup of the puzzle, now the word "ETA" is the second word at the top and "MUD" is the third, and the word "GEARS" has the "S" added, with the letter "G" started properly in the first space of the answer. (00:10:15)

Super Grover

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Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning picture

Factual error: The Orient Express is not powered with steam locomotives by any of the respective state railways. All of them are diesel or electric.


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Biggest Disney mistakes

Alice in Wonderland picture

Audio problem: During the Tea Party scene, the Mad Hatter and March Hare ask Alice to tell her story. After the Mad Hatter says "And when you come to the end, stop!" audio follows of the voice director saying "great," leftover from the original recording. (00:45:40)

Best questions

Free Willy picture

Question: In reality, do orcas actually understand English? Willy seems to understand Jesse when Jesse teaches him tricks.

Answer: While sounds and words can be used to alert orcas and dolphins, they recognize the hand signals and movements as to what to do.


Answer: Dogs can learn words up to the level of a 3 yr old, and whales are smarter than dogs, so definitely.


Dogs don't learn words, they start to recognize the sound that comes with a certain word like "stay" or "fetch", it's got more to do with the intonation than the actual word. They don't know what the word actually means. They can't imitate it nor can they recognize it in a sentence.


Biggest Pixar mistakes

Up picture

Continuity mistake: When the house first becomes detaches from its foundation and becomes airborne, Russell is nowhere to be seen, although every angle of the house is shown, including underneath, the front porch and the back porch. He knocks on the door and tells Carl he chased a "snipe" under the porch - but he cannot be seen after liftoff and prior to knocking. The same thing happens near the end, when Dug claims to have hidden under the porch.


Biggest Marvel mistakes

Avengers: Age of Ultron picture Avengers: Age of Ultron mistake picture

Continuity mistake: SPOILER - The wounds on Pietro's body change. The most noticeable one is on his right shoulder. The amount of blood decreases too.


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