Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Violent Night picture

Factual error: The opening states the location as Bristol, England. Santa is drinking in a pub on Shirely Street (neither the pub or the street exist in Bristol), then shortly after is shown leaving from the rooftop, on his sleigh, with multiple high rise buildings in the background. Bristol does not have high rise buildings in the main city centre, only a few blocks of flats, which all have flat roof tops, not like those depicted.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Commando picture Commando mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: After chasing down Sully, the yellow Porsche is totally wrecked on the left side, until Arnie drives it away, and it's fine. Later, when Arnie and Cindy arrive at the hotel, the car is wrecked again. (00:39:50)

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: When the landlady shows Judy to her "luxury apartment" note the position of the vertical deadbolt lock affixed to the front door and jamb, but the next morning when Judy leaves for the ZPD, as she unlocks the door the deadbolt lock has moved higher up on the door and jamb (note wallpaper). Additionally, just as Judy opens the door we can see that although the interior deadbolt is affixed higher, its key cylinder on the exterior side is much lower, which makes no sense, but then the deadbolt is back to normal.

Super Grover

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Best recent entries

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts picture

Factual error: Kris is playing the original Gameboy and says he can't beat Bowser. No Mario game released before 1994 for the original Gameboy featured Bowser as a boss.

Biggest Disney mistakes

Lilo & Stitch picture

Continuity mistake: After their surf-adventure, in the scene where Nani and Lilo are sitting and singing in the hammock, there are two torches which keeps appearing and disappearing.

Best questions

Man on Fire picture

Question: Is this a true story? The ending with text "John W. Creasy" and lifetime dates makes it seem like a true story.

Answer: Daniel "La Voz" Sanchez was based off the kidnapper Daniel Arizmendi López and Aurelio Sanchez was based off his bother Aurelio Arizmendi López, so some of it maybe true but not a lot.

Answer: No, the movie was based on a fiction book. The book takes place in Italy, and the kidnapping ring is run by the mafia.

Answer: The movie was completely lifted from a much better 1987 version of the same story.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Captain America: The First Avenger picture

Factual error: When the action moves to England after the failed award ceremony, the British Union Flag hanging from the wall is upside down. The broad white band should be at the top left (nearest the top of the flag pole).

Best trivia

Biggest Pixar mistakes

A Bug's Life picture

Factual error: The size of the shadow of an object depends upon its distance from the light source, not the surface it falls upon. Lifting the cutout of the bird a few inches closer to the sun as they do would make absolutely no difference to the size of its shadow, yet it quadruples in size.

Best quotes

The Matrix picture

Morpheus: You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

Movie quote quiz

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"Do sit down, Sergeant. Shocks are so much better absorbed with the knees bent."
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Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi picture

Revealing mistake: In many of the scenes taking place in outer space, if you look closely you can see polygon borders surrounding space vehicles (X-Wings, Star Destroyers, and even the Death Star) indicating the objects being superimposed into the outer space background. [This mistake may only apply to the Blu Ray version.]


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