Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Barbie picture

Factual error: Gloria's vehicle is a Chevrolet Blazer SS EV, but during the chase scene, her supposedly electric vehicle makes sounds like a normal gas engine.


Biggest mistakes of all time

The Gentlemen picture The Gentlemen mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Pierce's wife is walking in her auto shop they pan down to show her red Louboutin heels, then they cut to her walking in her office, and when they show her shoes again they have a tan sole.

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: After the Stormtrooper tells Darth Vader the Death Star plans are not in the main computer, when Vader lifts the Rebel off his feet by his throat as the Rebel tells him they intercepted no transmissions, take note of the leg plates on the Stormtrooper to Vader's right. In the wide shot, the Stormtrooper's left leg armor does not have the knee protector plate (it looks as if it's at his right knee because the extra switched them), but in the next closeup the knee plate appears at his left knee, as it should be. The trooper also appears to go from right handed to left handed weapon carry. (00:05:40)

Super Grover

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Barbie picture

Trivia: So much pink paint was used for set production in this film that it actually led to a global shortage.


Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story picture

Factual error: When they are trying to navigate the shuttle through Eadu, the shuttle abruptly collides with a rock, which causes Bodhi to jolt backwards. If the shuttle hitting the rock had caused the shuttle reduce speed so abruptly, in the way that was shown, then Bodhi would have jolted forwards, not backwards. (00:57:05)

Casual Person

Best quotes

Blazing Saddles picture

Jim: Well, it got so that every piss-ant prairie punk who thought he could shoot a gun would ride into town to try out the Waco Kid. I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille. It got pretty gritty. I started to hear the word "draw" in my sleep. Then one day, I was just walking down the street when I heard a voice behind me say, "Reach for it, mister!" I spun around... And there I was, face-to-face with a six-year old kid. Well, I just threw my guns down and walked away. Little bastard shot me in the ass. So I limped to the nearest saloon, crawled inside a whiskey bottle, and I've been there ever since.

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Biggest Disney mistakes

The Aristocats picture

Continuity mistake: When the butler takes the mother and kittens to be abandoned in the countryside he is on a motorcycle and sidecar combination. During the trip the sidecar changes from one side of the bike to the other and back again. Also, when the sidecar separates from the motorcycle when the dogs are chasing Edgar, the wheel on the sidecar switches sides regularly as well.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Avengers: Infinity War picture

Continuity mistake: On the spaceship, Peter is talking to Tony, and has his hair swept back with gel or similar. When he says "You can't be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man if there's no neighbourhood", we cut to Tony then back, and Peter now has a fringe with no gel. In later shots it's back how it was before.

Best questions

War of the Worlds picture

Question: Several other answers and corrections state that the reddish liquid sprayed by the tripods was what essentially grew the red vines. However I thought I heard someone in the film say something along the lines of "using us (i.e. blood) as fertiliser". Can someone please clarify?

Answer: Since the tripods tended to spray the red fluid shortly after pulling a human into themselves, it seems a good assumption that the red fluid is essentially blood. Given this, it seems likely that the "spore" of the vines is spread in the red fluid.


Best trivia

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Cars picture

Other mistake: After the first race, in the scene where Lightning is rushing out on the stage thinking he is the winner, loads of confetti is shot out when the King and Chick Hicks gets onto the stage. The confetti is then falling down, but not a single flake hits any of the cars. However, in the following shots, you can see plenty of it on the stage underneath the cars, even though they haven't moved.

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Sacha 52
Phaneron 24
Rob245 21
Super Grover 19
lionhead 16
raywest 14
Bishop73 12
zenee 11
ChristmasJonesfan 10
TedStixon 9
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