Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Fast X picture

Other mistake: Dante and The Agency both have extensive photos and videos of the team's previous exploits. Trouble is that most of it is simply stills and footage from the previous movies in the franchise, often occasions when nobody was around with a camera to witness and document what was going on, certainly not at the angles we see.

Jon Sandys

Biggest mistakes of all time

Shrek picture

Continuity mistake: Sometimes Shrek's front door opens outwards, at other times inwards, yet it can't be "two-way" because whenever it closes, it slams against the frame. (00:10:55 - 00:13:45)

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: When Prince Henry first approaches Leonardo da Vinci and then chases after the thief, the horse he rides on is dark bay in color and has no markings on its face. After he shouts, "Ugly peasant bastard!" in Henry's next close-up he rides a black horse with a white 'L' shape mark between its eyes. (00:20:20)

Super Grover

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Best questions

B.A.P.S. picture

Question: When the lawyer told Nisi that Mr. B. "already knew" she wasn't Lily's granddaughter, did he know from the first day they showed up or from the day the lawyer came over to tell Mr. B. about what his nephew said about Mickey and Nisi?

Answer: He knew right away, because he knew that Lily didn't have any children, so Nisi and Mickey could not be Lily's granddaughters.

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Solo: A Star Wars Story picture

Other mistake: Towards the end, Chewbacca and Beckett have walked some distance from the landed yacht. They come up a small slope and are faced with Han, waiting for them. But an aerial shot shows that slope is very short and just runs down to a cliff. There's no way they could have got to the base of the slope to walk up it in the first place.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Finding Nemo picture

Factual error: When the fish tank has been cleaned by the newly installed laser fish cleaner, the machine states that the water temperature is '82°.' In Australia the Celsius scale is used; therefore, it should be about '28°.' Australia is 100% metric and has been since 1974! Nobody in Australia - nobody, anywhere, any time since 1974, uses imperial measures. There is absolutely no question of the dentist having an imperial thermometer or expressing himself in° Fahrenheit. It is actually illegal to import or sell any instrument using 'Imperial' scales. You couldn't buy a Fahrenheit thermometer if you tried. (01:14:30)

Best trivia

Best quotes

The Help picture

Aibileen Clark: All you do is scam and lie to get what you want. You a godless woman. Ain't you tired, Ms. Hilly? Ain't you tired?

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Biggest Marvel mistakes

Thor: The Dark World picture

Factual error: In the final fight scene with Malekith, Thor falls through a portal that brings him to Charing Cross station, where the lady on the train tells him he has to ride 3 stops to get to Greenwich. Charing Cross is not on the Jubilee Line and so not directly connected to Greenwich - even then it's a lot more than 3 stops. (01:33:45)

Biggest Disney mistakes

The Aristocats picture

Continuity mistake: When the butler takes the mother and kittens to be abandoned in the countryside he is on a motorcycle and sidecar combination. During the trip the sidecar changes from one side of the bike to the other and back again. Also, when the sidecar separates from the motorcycle when the dogs are chasing Edgar, the wheel on the sidecar switches sides regularly as well.

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