Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Dune picture

Continuity mistake: When Paul comes to the table three chairs are free, when his father comes there is only one chair free - the third chair is suddenly missing. (00:49:30)

Biggest mistakes of all time

Home Alone picture

Continuity mistake: When Kevin goes to the grocery, he buys Tide detergent. While walking home, the two bags break, but no Tide detergent falls out.

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Suggested correction: Maybe he returned it.

No chance, we see him buy it and then use it in a later scene.


Best pictures

Continuity mistake: After Dory reads the wall map while she's in the glass carafe, when Hank hides behind the rolling cabinet there's a long shot of the corridor with him at the far wall, then in the next shot from behind Hank a drinking fountain has suddenly appeared on the wall to the left, between two pictures.

Super Grover

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Best recent entries

The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes picture

Trivia: When Flikerman cancels his dinner reservation, he tells the restaurant "two, and a high chair," a reference to his son Caesar, the future host of the Hunger Games.

Best quotes

How the Grinch Stole Christmas picture

The Grinch: Those Whos are hard to frazzle, Max. But, we did our worst, and that's all that matters.

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"All I've got left is that room upstairs."
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Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi picture

Revealing mistake: When Luke is being fed to the Rancor, in Jabba the Hutt's dungeon, there are black outlines around the beast's legs, from the composite's blue screen special effect. This was edited out in the special edition rerelease.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Avengers: Infinity War picture

Continuity mistake: On the spaceship, Peter is talking to Tony, and has his hair swept back with gel or similar. When he says "You can't be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man if there's no neighbourhood", we cut to Tony then back, and Peter now has a fringe with no gel. In later shots it's back how it was before.

Best questions

Rush Hour 2 picture

Question: What does Hu Li say in Chinese near the end, when she is holding the bomb that is about to blow up?

Answer: 两个王八蛋 (You two bastards), 你不就要我们死 (You wanted us to die), 现在我自己来,我来了! (Now I do it myself, I am here!) 我现在主动来了! 我来了!(I am doing this on my own now!).

Answer: She says 'we'll go together, inspector'.

Biggest Disney mistakes

The Little Mermaid picture The Little Mermaid mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Carlotta brings the plates for the meal they all have a dome cover with a top handle, but when Sebastian runs across the table those handles have changed. (00:54:50)

Super Grover

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Up picture

Continuity mistake: When the house first becomes detaches from its foundation and becomes airborne, Russell is nowhere to be seen, although every angle of the house is shown, including underneath, the front porch and the back porch. He knocks on the door and tells Carl he chased a "snipe" under the porch - but he cannot be seen after liftoff and prior to knocking. The same thing happens near the end, when Dug claims to have hidden under the porch.


Best trivia

Member Entries & comments
Sacha 36
apikachu68 22
Phaneron 22
Super Grover 19
Ssiscool 16
Rob245 14
zenee 13
mdwalker 11
FleetCommand 11
lionhead 10
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