Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Elf picture

Continuity mistake: When Buddy is lying in the roll-out bed in the living room of his father's house and asks to be tucked in, his father does so. His father comes back up and ends up having a red thread on his shirt. The shot switches to Buddy, then back to him and the thread is now on his right arm.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Mysterious Island picture

Factual error: It is barely credible that a young Victorian woman like Elena would even think about wearing a goatskin miniskirt - exposing her legs in those days would be akin to walking about topless nowadays. Even if she did those bright yellow cotton knickers - gleefully visible in the scene in the beehive - are in no way from the 1860s. Her pants are a hundred years ahead of their time.

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: During Marty's drive to the bogus address, when he is done speaking with Monty, just as he says, "Wolf out!" he pulls the phone wire and the earpiece actually pops out of his ear, but in all of the following shots that earpiece is still in his ear. Since the super-glued earpiece is one of the main plot points, this is bizarre to say the least. (00:44:25)

Super Grover

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Other mistake: In Goro's bio, the term "ancestor" was used to describe the relationship between Liu Kang and the Great Kung Lao, who was born centuries before Liu Kang, despite the term that should have been used being "descendant." That was probably a translation/spelling mistake.

Best quotes

Lilo & Stitch picture

Lilo: It's sandwich day. Every Thursday I give Pudge the Fish a peanut butter sandwich. But, today we were out of peanut butter. I asked my sister what to give him and she said a tuna sandwich. I can't give Pudge tuna! Do you know what tuna is? IT'S FISH! If I gave Pudge tuna, I'd be an abomination! I'm late because I had to go to the store and get peanut butter cause all we have is...is. Stinking tuna...Pudge controls the weather.

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Best questions

Closer picture

Question: How did Larry find out what club Alice/Jane works at? Did he just find her there by coincidence?

Answer: It appears so. Nothing else suggested he knew where she worked. More that he was just going to different clubs and drinking and came across the club Alice was working at.


I think he knew exactly where to find her. He's a doctor and often doctors are known to have that "God" complex. I think he wanted to gain control of his relationship with Anna. To win Anna back he had to manipulate all the players including Alice/ Jane. He probably researched her and found her. That's why he knew Alice/Jane was not her real name. He was low key stalking all of them, to get Anna back.

But Jane actually was Alice's legal name. This is shown at the end of the movie, on her ID. Larry did not believe her when she told him.

At the strip club, Larry does *not* know that her name is legally Jane. He thinks her name is Alice. She is using a stage name at the club, and he wants to hear her say that her name is Alice. He refuses to accept "Jane" as the answer. He is waiting to hear "Alice."

Answer: Dan wrote the address on his prescription pad and passed it to Larry.

I think you've got it the other way around. Larry found Alice in the strip club, and he gave Dan the address on the prescription pad.


Biggest Pixar mistakes

A Bug's Life picture

Factual error: The size of the shadow of an object depends upon its distance from the light source, not the surface it falls upon. Lifting the cutout of the bird a few inches closer to the sun as they do would make absolutely no difference to the size of its shadow, yet it quadruples in size.

Best trivia

Predator 2 picture Predator 2 trivia picture

Trivia: Have a close look at the Predator's trophy collection on his spaceship. Taking pride of place is a skull from the creature in the Alien movies. (01:33:05)

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: The Force Awakens picture Star Wars: The Force Awakens mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Rey touches Luke's lightsaber she begins to have the vision, and when she falls to the floor the blaster is missing from the back of her belt, but after she "sees" Luke and R2 and then stands up the blaster is back again, tucked into her belt (even though Rey's having her vision of things all around her, she herself is not a vision).

Super Grover

Biggest Disney mistakes

Tangled picture Tangled mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair, there is a shot from behind him and he reaches up with his right hand to push her hair behind her ear. His arm is visible up to his forearm and the shackle is nowhere in sight. However, in the next, wide shot, the shackle is suddenly up around his wrist. (01:01:20)


Biggest Marvel mistakes

Doctor Strange picture

Factual error: In the first scene where Dr Strange is preparing for surgery he uses improper surgical gowning technique breaking aseptic protocols. Strange puts on a mask after washing his hands, contaminating his clean hands by bringing them in proximity to the non-sterile environment of his face. Surgical masks must be worn before the full washing of hands. Another error is that he inserted his hands all the way through his gown to don gloves. Hands must never leave the sleeves and gloves must be put on with the sleeves still covering.

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