Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Shrek 2 picture Shrek 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Shrek first meets Puss In Boots, Puss In Boots bursts out of Shrek's clothes "Alien" style leaving a tear. Then when we see them enter the Fairy Godmother's factory the tear is gone for the rest of the movie. (00:32:35 - 00:38:30)

Biggest mistakes of all time

Die Another Day picture Die Another Day mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the final fight scene on the plane between Jinx and Agent Frost, Jinx is slashed across her stomach, drawing blood. In a later scene, when Jinx and 007 are pouring diamonds over one another in the hut on the cliff, her stomach is unblemished. (02:02:25)

Best pictures

Revealing mistake: While Poe leads the aerial assault on the oscillator, in the closeups of Poe and other X-wing fighter pilots, note the cockpit windows at the pilots' left and right have identical marks and scratches in their individual X-wings. It's particularly noticeable when one closeup follows another.

Super Grover

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Best quotes

Urban Cowboy picture

Sissy: You a real cowboy?
Bud: Well that depends on what you think a real cowboy is?
Sissy: Know how to do 2-step?
Bud: You bet.
Sissy: Wanna prove it?

Movie quote quiz

What movie is this quote from? Might be obvious, might be obscure... Take your pick and see how others did!

"You humans are very curious to us. You invite us to live among you in an atmosphere of equality that we've never known before. You give us ownership of our own lives for the first time and you ask no more of us than you do of yourselves. I hope you understand how special your world is, how unique a people you humans are. Which is why it is all the more painful and confusing to us that so few of you seem capable of living up to the ideals you set for yourselves."
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Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith picture Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On Utapau, when Obi-Wan faces off with Grievous, Grievous sends 4 MagnaGuards against Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan Force-pulls something from the ceiling to crush the droids. But in the ensuing fight between Obi-Wan and Grievous, the ceiling thing and crushed droids are gone.

Biggest Disney mistakes

Sleeping Beauty picture

Factual error: Maleficent states that Princess Aurora will prick her finger on a spindle - the part of a spinning wheel that holds the bobbin. Spindles aren't sharp; what Aurora actually pricks her finger on is the distaff, which is used to hold the fiber before it is spun.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Avengers: Infinity War picture

Continuity mistake: On the spaceship, Peter is talking to Tony, and has his hair swept back with gel or similar. When he says "You can't be a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man if there's no neighbourhood", we cut to Tony then back, and Peter now has a fringe with no gel. In later shots it's back how it was before.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Toy Story 3 picture

Continuity mistake: During Andy's daydream at the beginning of the film, Mr. Potato Head has an eye patch over his left eye. When the daydream cuts back to reality we see that Andy has removed Mr. Potato Head's left eye to symbolize the eye patch. But when Andy's mum comes in with the video camera, his left eye is suddenly back in. (00:01:15 - 00:05:25)


Best questions

Chosen answer: During the several years it took to construct the ship probably, or in any of the supplies/food brought on board, or in the furniture brought on board. A single pregnant female rat can be responsible for thousands of rats in a very short space of time (the offspring are not too choosy about who they breed with).

Soylent Purple

A pregnant female rat could have made a home in a underneath a third class couch and had the other rats then all the females would have baby rats quickly.

Answer: In addition to the other answers, rats can easily get on ships by climbing the mooring lines that tie vessels to the dock and also go up unattended gangways. They can also use temporary overhead cables attached to ships while in port.


Best trivia

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation picture

Trivia: Clark Griswold in the attic watching old movies dressed in a woman's turban and gloves to keep warm is not only funny but a reference to the Norma Desmond character from "Sunset Boulevard", who watches her old films to remember her Hollywood glory days.


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