Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Fast X picture

Other mistake: Dante and The Agency both have extensive photos and videos of the team's previous exploits. Trouble is that most of it is simply stills and footage from the previous movies in the franchise, often occasions when nobody was around with a camera to witness and document what was going on, certainly not at the angles we see.

Jon Sandys

Biggest mistakes of all time

Ferdinand picture

Plot hole: How does the little girl Nina know Ferdinand's name if only the animals can communicate with each other? They're all calling him Ferdinand before she "names" him that.

Best pictures

Revealing mistake: While Poe leads the aerial assault on the oscillator, in the closeups of Poe and other X-wing fighter pilots, note the cockpit windows at the pilots' left and right have identical marks and scratches in their individual X-wings. It's particularly noticeable when one closeup follows another.

Super Grover

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The Funeral - S1-E3

Deliberate mistake: Though it serves the drama and black comedy of the scene, it's highly unlikely a modern, let alone future broadcasting network would neglect the importance of delay (usually around 30 seconds) between recording and "live" broadcast. Specifically, to prevent unexpected gruesome incidents like the exploding head seen in this episode from making it to air.

Anson Gordon-Creed

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars picture

Other mistake: Before Uncle Owen yells for Luke, if you look very closely, a fly can be seen on the lens (best seen on the special edition release). The fly was removed in the 2019 release.

Best trivia

The Shawshank Redemption picture

Trivia: In the original novel that the Shawshank Redemption is based on, Red is an Irishman which is where his nickname came from. In the movie, when Andy asks Red where his nickname came from, Red pauses and says "Maybe it's because I'm Irish" with a hint of sarcasm.

Best questions

Chosen answer: During the several years it took to construct the ship probably, or in any of the supplies/food brought on board, or in the furniture brought on board. A single pregnant female rat can be responsible for thousands of rats in a very short space of time (the offspring are not too choosy about who they breed with).

Soylent Purple

A pregnant female rat could have made a home in a underneath a third class couch and had the other rats then all the females would have baby rats quickly.

Answer: In addition to the other answers, rats can easily get on ships by climbing the mooring lines that tie vessels to the dock and also go up unattended gangways. They can also use temporary overhead cables attached to ships while in port.


Biggest Marvel mistakes

Ant-Man and the Wasp picture

Continuity mistake: At the school, when Scott's suit is malfunctioning and he's big in the janitor's closet, his head is tilted towards his right shoulder. When Hope is working on the suit, we see Scott's head is now tilted towards his left shoulder, even though he's stuck and wouldn't have been able to move around like that. But in the next shot it's back to his right.


Best quotes

The Punisher picture

Frank Castle: I leave this as a declaration of intent. So no one will be confused. One. Si vis pacum para bellum. Latin. The boot camp Sergeant made us recite it like a prayer. Si vis pacum para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war. Number two. Frank Castle is dead. He died with his family. Number three. In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law. To pursue natural justice. This isn't vengeance. Revenge is not a valid motive, it's an emotional response. No. Not vengeance. Punishment.

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Biggest Disney mistakes

Alice in Wonderland picture

Audio problem: During the Tea Party scene, the Mad Hatter and March Hare ask Alice to tell her story. After the Mad Hatter says "And when you come to the end, stop!" audio follows of the voice director saying "great," leftover from the original recording. (00:45:40)

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Brave picture

Plot hole: During the scene where Merida gives her speech on "breaking tradition", her mother, as a bear, moves silently behind the majority of the crowd, so they don't see her. Fair enough. However, Merida and her father's clan are all looking in the same general direction (towards the crowd) while she's speaking - how does no one from Merida's clan see a bear moving at the back of the room?

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