Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Oppenheimer picture

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie, when Oppenheimer is being interrogated in the small room, his lawyer is on the phone (we later find out it's Kitty). In a wide shot, he gives Oppenheimer the phone, and he puts it to his left ear. The next shot is a tight shot of Oppenheimer's face with the phone to his right ear.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Battlefield Earth picture

Factual error: Amongst the essential parts of a nuclear weapon's detonation mechanism is a radioactive isotope of tritium, which has a half life of just 12 1/2 years. The tritium in every nuke on earth has to be replaced every ten years or so. This is by no means unusual; there are other perishable parts including detonators made of conventional explosives which would be completely inert after a thousand years. After lying dormant with no maintenance at all for that amount of time the nuclear weapons the 'Man-animals' find would be big shiny paperweights and not much else.

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: When Portnow meets with Bishop at the church, in the first closeup of Bishop's crossword puzzle the word "MUD" is the second word across at the top, and at the center of the puzzle the 4-letter word "GEAR" is written in the 5-letter answer - with the fist space left empty. However, in the next closeup of the puzzle, now the word "ETA" is the second word at the top and "MUD" is the third, and the word "GEARS" has the "S" added, with the letter "G" started properly in the first space of the answer. (00:10:15)

Super Grover

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The Funeral - S1-E3

Deliberate mistake: Though it serves the drama and black comedy of the scene, it's highly unlikely a modern, let alone future broadcasting network would neglect the importance of delay (usually around 30 seconds) between recording and "live" broadcast. Specifically, to prevent unexpected gruesome incidents like the exploding head seen in this episode from making it to air.

Anson Gordon-Creed

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace picture

Continuity mistake: Darth Maul's neck is black, but when he is talking to Darth Sidious on Coruscant, his neck is flesh-toned. (00:38:45)

Best questions

The Parent Trap picture

Question: In the scene where the dad tells Annie, pretending to be Hallie, that he is going to marry Meredith, Hallie yells a bunch of stuff in French. Does anyone know what she was saying?

Answer: I hope that you are joking, Meredith is not the girl for you. But it is possible that I am dreaming that this is so.

Stephen Edmonds 1

Answer: She actually said, "Marry her?! That's insane! How can you marry a woman young enough to be my big sister?!"

Answer: Not really but I think she was saying you're kidding.

Best trivia

X-Men 2 picture X-Men 2 trivia picture

Trivia: During the scene in the bar with Mystique and the prison guard, the person on the TV is Dr. Hank McCoy - this is the real name of X-Man The Beast.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

A Bug's Life picture

Factual error: The size of the shadow of an object depends upon its distance from the light source, not the surface it falls upon. Lifting the cutout of the bird a few inches closer to the sun as they do would make absolutely no difference to the size of its shadow, yet it quadruples in size.

Biggest Disney mistakes

Hercules picture

Continuity mistake: When he sees Meg in the river of death, he reaches down and touches it. Then, when he jumps in, he makes a dive of at least 50 feet. (01:11:25)

Best quotes

Shrek picture

Gingy: OK, OK...I'll tell you. Do you know the Muffin Man?
Lord Farquaad: The Muffin Man?
Gingy: The Muffin Man.
Lord Farquaad: Yes, I know the Muffin Man. Who lives on Drury Lane?
Gingy: Well...she's married to...the Muffin Man.
Lord Farquaad: The Muffin Man?
Gingy: The Muffin Man!
Lord Farquaad: She's married to the Muffin Man?

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Biggest Marvel mistakes

Avengers: Age of Ultron picture Avengers: Age of Ultron mistake picture

Continuity mistake: SPOILER - The wounds on Pietro's body change. The most noticeable one is on his right shoulder. The amount of blood decreases too.


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