Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

The Super Mario Bros. Movie picture The Super Mario Bros. Movie mistake picture

Deliberate mistake: Bowser has several teeth that appear and disappear throughout the movie. The best example of this is when Mario is trying to grab the Power Star. We see Bowser snarl at Mario before he picks him up. There is a gap between his two front teeth. However, when the scene cuts from Mario's horrified face to Bowser's face, there are now extra teeth inside that gap.


Biggest mistakes of all time

The Usual Suspects picture The Usual Suspects mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Right before they rob the police car, a Boeing 747 (four engines) is seen in shots of the plane coming into land. When the plane is shown from behind, it is a Boeing 767, with only two engines and fewer main landing gears. (00:30:10)

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Suggested correction: It's for effect to show they were hanging out around the airport for more than a bit.

There's no evidence this was meant to be a montage scene of various planes. The cuts they did have in the first angle were of the same plane getting closer to build suspense. Same for the other angle. Plus, there's no scenes or shots of "them" waiting.


Best pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene in the basement, Chunk is about to drink from the water cooler bottle that is mostly empty. When he stands up and tries to catch it, it's more than half full. (00:40:25)

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Best recent entries

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts picture

Factual error: Kris is playing the original Gameboy and says he can't beat Bowser. No Mario game released before 1994 for the original Gameboy featured Bowser as a boss.

Biggest Disney mistakes

Dumbo picture Dumbo mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the elephants are making fun of Dumbo in the train caboose, Dumbo's mother pulls a pin which causes the stall door above the other elephants to fall. When the door bounces back up, you can see that the animators forgot to draw the elephants' heads and trunks and only their bodies are visible.


Best trivia

Philadelphia picture

Trivia: The film was based on an actual lawsuit against Hyatt Legal Services, a storefront chain in the Midwest with a less-than-sterling reputation in the legal profession.

Best quotes

Blazing Saddles picture

Jim: Well, it got so that every piss-ant prairie punk who thought he could shoot a gun would ride into town to try out the Waco Kid. I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille. It got pretty gritty. I started to hear the word "draw" in my sleep. Then one day, I was just walking down the street when I heard a voice behind me say, "Reach for it, mister!" I spun around... And there I was, face-to-face with a six-year old kid. Well, I just threw my guns down and walked away. Little bastard shot me in the ass. So I limped to the nearest saloon, crawled inside a whiskey bottle, and I've been there ever since.

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Biggest Pixar mistakes

Wall-E picture

Factual error: As a trash compactor Wall-E does not function logically. When he fills his chest compartment with garbage and runs his internal compactor, the cube that exits his body is the same volume as the trash he puts in, despite that trash having been compacted. He does not add extra trash to fill the empty space after running the compactor - there are three scenes that show him filling up only once with loose garbage and then ejecting a densely compacted cube. (00:02:30)


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Suggested correction: You haven't noticed the exact shape of his body. The back sticks out a tad. Garbage fills the space and the back pushes in to compress it.

You've missed the point of the mistake here. The cube that is ejected is the same size as the compartment. Wall-E puts loose fitting items into the compactor with gaps between items but once it's been crushed and compacted it's exactly the same size as before. It should be smaller.


Biggest Marvel mistakes

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness picture

Continuity mistake: At the wedding, Christine tells Stephen something quite hurtful; wide-eyed, he asks her how long did she have it in the barrel; a black partygoer walks behind him but is gone in the reverse shot. Moreover, she replies "Long time" and a couple walks past her, only to walk again past Stephen in the next shot.


Best questions

Rush Hour 2 picture

Question: What does Hu Li say in Chinese near the end, when she is holding the bomb that is about to blow up?

Answer: 两个王八蛋 (You two bastards), 你不就要我们死 (You wanted us to die), 现在我自己来,我来了! (Now I do it myself, I am here!) 我现在主动来了! 我来了!(I am doing this on my own now!).

Answer: She says 'we'll go together, inspector'.

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: The Last Jedi picture Star Wars: The Last Jedi mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Finn is going to an escape pod to run away, he puts his pack down in front of it, seen again in a later shot. When Rose realises he's trying to run away, his pack has moved itself inside the pod.


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