Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Shrek 2 picture Shrek 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Shrek first meets Puss In Boots, Puss In Boots bursts out of Shrek's clothes "Alien" style leaving a tear. Then when we see them enter the Fairy Godmother's factory the tear is gone for the rest of the movie. (00:32:35 - 00:38:30)

Biggest mistakes of all time

Commando picture Commando mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: After chasing down Sully, the yellow Porsche is totally wrecked on the left side, until Arnie drives it away, and it's fine. Later, when Arnie and Cindy arrive at the hotel, the car is wrecked again. (00:39:50)

Best pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Mia and Brian are about to jump off the roof, when a gunman takes aim there's a cameraman to the bottom right below him. (00:32:35)

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The Holdovers picture

Continuity mistake: His lazy eye is not consistently on his left or the right. It switches from scene to scene. Even though in the end he says it's his right eye people should always look at.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Biggest Disney mistakes

Aladdin picture Aladdin mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: The tiger bites the seat off the suitor's trousers, allowing the viewer to see his polka-heart boxers. When we see the tiger in the courtyard, he has a part of the same boxer shorts in his mouth. So if he bit off the seat of the trousers, shouldn't he have purple cloth in his mouth? (00:11:45)

Best trivia

Philadelphia picture

Trivia: The film was based on an actual lawsuit against Hyatt Legal Services, a storefront chain in the Midwest with a less-than-sterling reputation in the legal profession.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Best quotes

Man on Fire picture

Creasy: Okay, my friend. It's off to the next life for you. I guarantee you, you won't be lonely.

Movie quote quiz

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"Hey, laser lips! Your momma was a snow-blower."
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Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace picture

Continuity mistake: Darth Maul's neck is black, but when he is talking to Darth Sidious on Coruscant, his neck is flesh-toned. (00:38:45)

Best questions

Peggy Sue Got Married picture

Question: I never understood the significance of the girl in the wheelchair at the reunion. Peggy Sue makes a big deal out of the girl but never in her "flashback" do we see this character.

Jeanne Perrotta

Chosen answer: In the original script, Rosalie (the girl in the wheelchair) injures herself in an accident. Peggy Sue tries to change things that happen in the future, including Rosalie's accident.


Answer: You DO see Rosalie in the past. She hosts the party at which Charlie and his group sing. And Jim Carrey asks for the lights to be turned out. She walks, and begins to dance with her boyfriend.

No, that was Maddie's party. Peggy Sue's mom said so when she asked her why she wasn't ready for the party, when Charlie came to pick her up.

I finally see her, thanks! She's to the left of Peggy Sue and her girlfriends as they watch Charlie and the guys sing. Then she's the girl dancing on the counter at the coffee shop when Peggy Sue meets with Michael Fitzsimmons the first time. I always wondered about the Rosalie plot hole.

I think we DO see Rosalie before her accident-she is the girl dancing on the counter at the coffee shop when Peggy Sue goes for coffee and a donut and runs into Michael Fitzsimmons. Peggy Sue pauses and watches her for a moment.

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