Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Dune picture

Continuity mistake: When Paul comes to the table three chairs are free, when his father comes there is only one chair free - the third chair is suddenly missing. (00:49:30)

Biggest mistakes of all time

6 Underground picture

Continuity mistake: The green Alfa in the opening minutes has its side, and mirror, wiped out by a lorry. For the next 5 minutes it then drives around in perfect condition. (00:05:43)

Best pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Mia and Brian are about to jump off the roof, when a gunman takes aim there's a cameraman to the bottom right below him. (00:32:35)

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Best recent entries

Descendants 2 picture Descendants 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the song "Chillin' Like a Villain," Evie's shoes go from having high block heels to entirely different shorter wedge heels during the song. After the song, it's back to the high block heels. (00:38:20 - 00:39:40)

Biggest Disney mistakes

The Little Mermaid picture The Little Mermaid mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Carlotta brings the plates for the meal they all have a dome cover with a top handle, but when Sebastian runs across the table those handles have changed. (00:54:50)

Super Grover

Best quotes

Police Academy picture

Carey Mahoney: What are you in for?
Larvell Jones: I'll show you. [holds a microphone to his mouth and imitates gun fire causing everyone to drop to the floor.]

Movie quote quiz

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"So, while her stepfamily scratched newly-found itches / Ella was off, glad to be away from the... witches."
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Biggest Marvel mistakes

Doctor Strange picture

Factual error: In the first scene where Dr Strange is preparing for surgery he uses improper surgical gowning technique breaking aseptic protocols. Strange puts on a mask after washing his hands, contaminating his clean hands by bringing them in proximity to the non-sterile environment of his face. Surgical masks must be worn before the full washing of hands. Another error is that he inserted his hands all the way through his gown to don gloves. Hands must never leave the sleeves and gloves must be put on with the sleeves still covering.

Best questions

Dumb and Dumber picture

Question: What is the trailer both were watching on TV while they were having some snacks in bed in the Aspen hotel room?

Answer: It was a commercial for Pacific Bell. A telephone company.

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker picture

Continuity mistake: After the speeder chase, everyone lands in quicksand. In one shot, 3PO is buried headfirst. In the next, he has flipped and his upper body is visible.

Best trivia

The Santa Clause picture

Trivia: Another Elf sighting is when Calvin and Charlie are first entering the dining room at Denny's - an Elf boy is putting on his coat to their left (our right). (00:08:50)

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Monsters, Inc. picture Monsters, Inc. mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sulley places the menu on the table he puts it face down (logo first), then when he lifts up the table, to quickly get Boo, the menu is face up. (00:26:05)


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Sacha 52
Phaneron 24
Rob245 21
Super Grover 19
lionhead 16
raywest 14
Bishop73 12
zenee 10
ChristmasJonesfan 10
TedStixon 9
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