Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Hop picture

Continuity mistake: When the car in which EB is a passenger pulls up at the mall and parks, the window in EB's door is completely raised. Then the driver gets out and the window is a couple of inches down from the top. Then EB climbs out of the window - without winding it down - and the window is now about six inches down in the door.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Bloodshot picture

Factual error: When Ray leaves his wife Gina and his car is hit by the truck he should still be in England, but when he is being chased through the streets he is in South Africa, the cops in the car are not in English police uniforms or vehicle, police livery is incorrect, and all vehicles have South Africa plates, not English number plates.

Best pictures

Revealing mistake: During Quidditch tryouts, when Ron blocks the Quaffle with his head in the closeup, Ron's body disappears at the bottom of the screen below the digital editing line. (Only visible on fullscreen DVD).

Super Grover

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Biggest Disney mistakes

The Aristocats picture

Continuity mistake: When the butler takes the mother and kittens to be abandoned in the countryside he is on a motorcycle and sidecar combination. During the trip the sidecar changes from one side of the bike to the other and back again. Also, when the sidecar separates from the motorcycle when the dogs are chasing Edgar, the wheel on the sidecar switches sides regularly as well.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 picture

Continuity mistake: During the opening scene with Ego and Quill's mother, they run into the woods behind the Dairy Queen, and mom is wearing boots with fur trim. When they get to where the Ego's plant is in the ground, she is suddenly wearing sandals.


Biggest Pixar mistakes

Finding Dory picture Finding Dory mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Dory reads the wall map while she's in the glass carafe, when Hank hides behind the rolling cabinet there's a long shot of the corridor with him at the far wall, then in the next shot from behind Hank a drinking fountain has suddenly appeared on the wall to the left, between two pictures.

Super Grover

Best trivia

X-Men 2 picture X-Men 2 trivia picture

Trivia: During the scene in the bar with Mystique and the prison guard, the person on the TV is Dr. Hank McCoy - this is the real name of X-Man The Beast.

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker picture

Continuity mistake: After the speeder chase, everyone lands in quicksand. In one shot, 3PO is buried headfirst. In the next, he has flipped and his upper body is visible.

Best questions

Saw III picture

Question: The first scene with Lynn shows her with a man who asks for a divorce. He doesn't look like Jeff, or am I wrong?

Answer: You are not wrong. The man is her lover, he wants her to get a divorce.


Best quotes

Movie quote quiz

What movie is this quote from? Might be obvious, might be obscure... Take your pick and see how others did!

"I've only been here three days and it's just a shooting, but give it time, okay. This place is fantastic. It's like Gone With the Wind on Mescalin. I know you're my agent. Listen to me, they walk imaginary pets here, Garland. On a fucking leash. Alright? And they're all heavily armed and drunk. New York is boring."
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Member Entries & comments
Sacha 43
Phaneron 22
Rob245 21
Super Grover 19
lionhead 15
zenee 15
raywest 14
Ssiscool 12
Bishop73 12
ChristmasJonesfan 10
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