Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

John Wick: Chapter 4 picture

Continuity mistake: Wick takes the lapel pin off and places it in his right front jacket pocket. Shortly afterwards he takes it out of his front left jacket pocket. (00:49:10 - 00:56:20)

Movie Medic

Biggest mistakes of all time

Top Gun: Maverick picture

Factual error: The radar guided SAMs are consistently evaded/triggered by the pilots' flares, which in reality only work against heat seeking missiles. Radar guided missiles would be defended against using chaff, basically clouds of aluminium foil strips. It was mentioned in some interviews they didn't want use chaff as it wouldn't really be visible for the audience - hence why they only deploy flares.

Jon Sandys

Best pictures

Visible crew/equipment: After escaping the T. Rex, when Alan and the kids climb the huge tree we can see a bit of what looks like netting at the top right side of the screen and also the set's scaffolding at the left side, then after the scene with Hammond and Ellie in the dining hall, when it cuts back to Alan and the kids we can see much more of the netting behind the tree set, at the top of the screen.

Super Grover

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Best recent entries

The Holdovers picture

Continuity mistake: His lazy eye is not consistently on his left or the right. It switches from scene to scene. Even though in the end he says it's his right eye people should always look at.

Best trivia

X-Men 2 picture X-Men 2 trivia picture

Trivia: During the scene in the bar with Mystique and the prison guard, the person on the TV is Dr. Hank McCoy - this is the real name of X-Man The Beast.

Biggest Disney mistakes

Best questions

Answer: Molly gets adopted by Warbucks and becomes Annie's sister and the other orphans get adopted by other families while a reformed Miss Hannigan becomes a schoolteacher.

Answer: They are no longer at the orphanage since Miss Hannigan reformed and became a schoolteacher. So they are all adopted with Annie by "Daddy" Warbucks.

Answer: They're still staying at the orphanage, but it seems Mr. Warbucks is helping to fund them and Miss Hannigan has had a change of heart, so it's not so grim.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Annie and Molly both get adopted by Oliver Warbucks and become sisters ages 10 and 6 and live with the male family dog, Sandy and Oliver marries Grace Farrell and Grace becomes Annie and Molly's mom.

Answer: 10 year old Annie and six year old Molly and another orphan named Chloe get adopted by Oliver Warbucks and have the male family dog, Sandy and Oliver marries Grace Farrell and Grace becomes the girls' new mom.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Iron Man 2 picture

Continuity mistake: In the final scene when Stark, Rhodes and the senator have a picture taken, Tony's jacket is first buttoned, then unbuttoned from the same viewing angle. (01:56:50)


Best quotes

The Help picture

Aibileen Clark: All you do is scam and lie to get what you want. You a godless woman. Ain't you tired, Ms. Hilly? Ain't you tired?

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Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker picture

Continuity mistake: After the speeder chase, everyone lands in quicksand. In one shot, 3PO is buried headfirst. In the next, he has flipped and his upper body is visible.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Up picture

Continuity mistake: When the house first becomes detaches from its foundation and becomes airborne, Russell is nowhere to be seen, although every angle of the house is shown, including underneath, the front porch and the back porch. He knocks on the door and tells Carl he chased a "snipe" under the porch - but he cannot be seen after liftoff and prior to knocking. The same thing happens near the end, when Dug claims to have hidden under the porch.


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