Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Hop picture

Continuity mistake: When the car in which EB is a passenger pulls up at the mall and parks, the window in EB's door is completely raised. Then the driver gets out and the window is a couple of inches down from the top. Then EB climbs out of the window - without winding it down - and the window is now about six inches down in the door.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Shrek picture

Continuity mistake: Sometimes Shrek's front door opens outwards, at other times inwards, yet it can't be "two-way" because whenever it closes, it slams against the frame. (00:10:55 - 00:13:45)

Best pictures

Revealing mistake: While Poe leads the aerial assault on the oscillator, in the closeups of Poe and other X-wing fighter pilots, note the cockpit windows at the pilots' left and right have identical marks and scratches in their individual X-wings. It's particularly noticeable when one closeup follows another.

Super Grover

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Best recent entries

Godzilla: Final Wars picture

Trivia: Unlike popular belief, this was never meant to be the "last Godzilla movie ever." This was merely meant to be an anniversary and a last Godzilla movie for at least 10 years, maybe even more. The director of the movie even expressed interest in how the future generations would treat the King of the Monsters in future movies.

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones picture

Revealing mistake: When Amidala and Anakin are eating and he cuts her a piece of the fruit and "floats" it back to her, the bite appears in the fruit a split second before she actually eats it. [This appears to be fixed in rereleased versions]. (00:53:40)

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Toy Story 2 picture Toy Story 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie when the 'false' Buzz Light Year is running along the air conditioning ducts his 'New Utility Belt' disappears then reappears again. (01:01:55)

Best trivia

Back to the Future Part II picture

Trivia: In an interview, the director stated that hoverboards were real, but they weren't on the market because parents didn't like the idea of floating children. He said this as a joke, but this didn't stop mass hysteria as thousands of kids went from store to store looking for hoverboards.


Biggest Marvel mistakes

Captain America: Civil War picture

Continuity mistake: As Captain America arrives in his car at the airport car park, he stops right next to the line dividing the spots. In the following shot, when he steps out, the car is further away from the line, more towards the center of the spot. (01:26:50)

Biggest Disney mistakes

Tarzan picture

Deliberate mistake: When Tarzan fights with the leopard, it scratches his chest. However after they fall into the pit and Tarzan comes out carrying the dead leopard, the scratches on his chest have amazingly healed. [It is a long-standing Disney tradition that no evidence of violence is shown on screen. Still a mistake, but there's why].

Best quotes

Movie quote quiz

What movie is this quote from? Might be obvious, might be obscure... Take your pick and see how others did!

"You humans are very curious to us. You invite us to live among you in an atmosphere of equality that we've never known before. You give us ownership of our own lives for the first time and you ask no more of us than you do of yourselves. I hope you understand how special your world is, how unique a people you humans are. Which is why it is all the more painful and confusing to us that so few of you seem capable of living up to the ideals you set for yourselves."
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Best questions

Shrek 2 picture

Question: Since Shrek and Fiona were both turned in to humans by the Happily Ever After Potion and Donkey is turned in to Stallion, does anyone have an idea as to what Dragon would have become since she is Donkey's True Love?

Answer: It was confirmed by the filmmakers that Dragon is actually Donkey's true love, and that when Donkey was a stallion she changed as well, supposedly into a talking pegasus.

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Sacha 43
Phaneron 27
Super Grover 20
Rob245 20
apikachu68 16
Ssiscool 15
zenee 12
Bishop73 11
lionhead 11
TedStixon 10
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