Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Neo fights the Merovingian's lackeys in the hallway, is the person dressed in white male or female?

Answer: It was Tiger Chen. The man who trained Keanu for the Matrix trilogy.

Answer: I had a hard time with this too, but to answer your question the actor is indeed a male.


Question: Why didn't Gandalf get Gwaihir the wind lord (The giant eagle) to ride Frodo to Mount Doom? It would have saved the heroes from fighting, saved some of them from dying, and would have especially saved Rohan and Gondor from the near destruction they suffered.

Answer: They had to do this in secret. If they were to just fly into mordor on a giant eagle, they would attract the full attention of sauron, the nazgul, and all of sauron's army.


Question: The scene where Lucy is at the mental institution and she's drawn Henry a million times, did that actually happen?

Answer: Yes, it did happen: right as it did in the movie. Henry was on the boat, thought that Lucy remembered him, turned around, went into the hospital, and saw the paintings. But the movie then skipped many years into the future and showed Lucy and Henry about, maybe 5 years later on the boat in Alaska. It was shown like this so you would know how they got back together, but they also wanted you to see how they ended up. Hope this helps, it took me a while to figure this out anyway!

Question: Does anyone know why they changed the position of the fat lady (the entrance to the Gryffindor tower) in this film? She's along a deserted corridor in the previous films, but she's in the main stairwell in POA.

Answer: Cuaron changed the locations of a lot of things. See: Whomping Willow, Hagrid's Hut among others. Why? It's his film, he did things his way, as he had every right to.


Question: What's the name of the song playing at the end, when Ali defeats Foreman, and also when Ali is running through Zaire?

Answer: The song at the end is called Tomorrow by sauf keita. Its on the soundtrack and is the same one when Ali is running through zaire.

Gavin Jackson

Question: This applies to the trilogy in general, both books and movies. Are elves vegetarian? It seems like they are too close to nature to kill animals for food.

Answer: It doesn't appear so. In many instances in the four books, the elves have a feast where some sort of meat is present.


Question: If Van Helsing is the Left Hand of God, wouldn't he, the mighty archangel, be too powerful to be affected by a werewolf curse? And wouldn't he be able to crush Dracula without the extra powers?

Answer: He probably lost some powers and became more human (thus being affected by the curse), all of which will probably be explored in a sequel.


Answer: The frogs are saying Budweiser. One frog says "bud," the next one says "weis," and the final one says "er". This is a satire of a popular Budweiser television promotion that was going through America at the time.

Tobin OReilly

Answer: Then the 3 frogs were eaten by a big crocodile that says "Coors", Budweiser's biggest competitor.


Question: How much did a typical 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class ticket on the Titanic cost?

Answer: The first class tickets ranged enormously in price, from $150 (about $1700 today) for a simple berth, up to $4350 ($50,000) for one of the two Parlour suites. Second class tickets were $60 (around $700) and third class passengers paid between $15 and $40 ($170 - £460).


Answer: "Dry wall" is a US term for plasterboard-type boards used for making partition walls between rooms. Basically, she is telling him to go do some manual, physical "manly" work.


Question: In the scene where Hart finds out about the Citizen being caught, when she and Matthews are arguing, Matthews says ,"You're not the only one who lives his life for the job..." Clearly he says HIS, as though both him and Hart would fall under that category. Is this a mistake, or is it supposed to be there?

Answer: It is supposed to be there. There are numerous references to Matthews (and the other agents) simply referring to Hart as one of the guys or even just as a guy.


The Truth - S9-E19

Question: I'm not a huge fan of The X-files, but i do like to watch the occasional episode. I didn't watch most of season 9 due to a bad time slot but i did manage to catch this episode. What i want to know is, what is The Truth? I didn't understand that part.

Answer: It's revealed that The Truth which Mulder and Scully have been searching for is that the final alien invasion of Earth will come on the same date that the ancient Mayan calendar ends - December 22, 2012.

Show generally

Question: One of the trivia points is that the etch-a-sketch in Joey's apartment always has a picture on it linked to the show. Are there any examples of this?

Answer: Some of the things shown on the MAGNA-DOODLE are shown on this website Reportedly, they were drawn by Paul Swain, the best boy (a crew member), and though some of them had something to do with the show, some were inside jokes for the crew.

Question: What happened to Notary Hardenbrook? He just vanishes after the scene in the notary building where Ichabod finds the will, and there is no more mention of him in the film.

Answer: He hanged himself. It's mentioned in the kitchen scene where Baltus notices his wife's cut hand.

Grumpy Scot

Question: In Vietnam when Forrest is introducing the other men in his group telling their names and where they are from, all the soldiers names are names of cities. This was obviously done on purpose but why?

Answer: When people from different places are put togther into groups they usually giver eachother nicknames, this is particularly true in the military, and a lot of times your nickmane would just be where you are from, if you do not have some other characteristic, or your name does not rhyme or sound like some other word.


Answer: The nicknames are given to Forrest's troop mates are given in a racial way or by how they act although they are not from that city. For example Dallas had a farmers tan and always had a pack of smokes referencing to chuck Norris in one of his films taking place in the same time period and same helmet that was filmed just outside of Dallas and was also filmed there.

Question: Is it true that Bill is responsible for the murder of Oren-Ishii's parents?

Answer: Yes, it's confirmed it in a post-release interview.

Grumpy Scot

Parallel Universe - S2-E6

Question: At The End of this episode Lister, Rimmer and the Cat are finding out whether Lister is pregnant or not. When Rimmer reads the pregnancy test he says "Oh excellent news, I'm going to be an uncle." Why does he say this if he is to of no relation with Lister? (as far as I know).

Answer: It's quite common for male friends of the family to be referred to as "uncle" by the children, even if they're not actually related in any way - I have at least three old friends of my parents who I refer to in these terms. Rimmer may be stretching the point with the 'friend' thing, but that's what he's referring to.


Question: How did Donnie actually travel back in time, I just didn't understand this.

Answer: He returned to the place he started the film at. He somehow knew that that is the place he had to be to catch the wormhole express back in time.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Why shouldn't he care about his opinion? As Mel says in another episode "My opinions are as valid as the next man's!" Maybe Flanders knew he was smarter then he looks and wanted to have a strong voice on his side.


Question: In the first battle (The Last Alliance) just before Sauron is destroyed, you see a close up of some solders, Men and Elves. One of them looks like Legolas, is that him in the battle?

Answer: Nope. Had Legolas been present, they would undoubtedly have given his character greater prominence than just one closeup. Tolkien never gave Legolas a specific date of birth, but the implication is that he was not born at the time. Peter Jackson has also mentioned an assumed age for Legolas that backs this up.


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