Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: At the end of the film, Phil finally wakes up in bed with Rita on the day after Groundhog Day (meaning he's finally broken out of the time-loop and temporal continuity is restored). Doesn't this necessarily imply that everything he did the day before will have repercussions for him? I mean, as far as everyone knows, Phil Connors just suddenly became a local sensation in one day, flashing a lot of money on the same day as the armored car robbery. Wouldn't Phil naturally fall under suspicion?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: On that particular previous day, he didn't rob the armored car. All he did was spend the day doing good deeds and the only repercussions will be people thinking highly of him.

Brian Katcher

A huge part of his "good deeds," no doubt, was his flashing a lot of money around town, buying a full insurance package from Ned, paying the piano teacher a significant wad of cash, gifting the newlyweds tickets for their honeymoon, etc. That's a big part of how Phil became so beloved by so many townspeople in one day. Plus, he bought the ice-carving chainsaw and who knows what else. He wasn't just pulling all that cash out of thin air. I think robbing the armored car every morning had become second-nature to Phil.

Charles Austin Miller

Phil seemed to be trying to do everything just right to break the cycle. It's unlikely he would choose to rob the armor truck. And it's unlikely the truck was robbed that day. However, Phil was a professional with a good paying job. Rita herself had almost $400 in cash on her. If Phil didn't have that much cash on him, he could easily get it from the bank and then write checks (or use a credit card) for everything else.


Question: Before Old Arthur leaves the room, why did he get the feeling that him and Richard met before?

Answer: Because they had met before. When Richard went back in time to 1912, Arthur was a five-year-old boy. Old Arthur remembers, or at least recognizes, Richard from that time.


Except that Richard hadn't travelled into the past yet.

Like all time-travel fiction, if he will, then he already did. The portrait he saw in the gallery of Jane Seymour is another example: He brought the smile to her face and IIRC, she changed her pose upon seeing him.


Exactly right. Time-travel films rarely make sense plot-wise. They employ a "suspension of disbelief" where the audience just accepts the premise so the story can be told, regardless of whether or not everything makes sense. As I recall, Jane Seymour's "old character" told Richard to "come back to her," meaning she wanted him to go back in time to when she was young.


Time Travel movies and shows do this sort of thing often. This movie actually keeps to the premise of time travel pretty well.

Answer: He already did, when the elder Elise approached him and said, "Come back to me." When he visited her home and listened to the music box and replied. "That's my favorite song." He found his name in the old hotel register in the storage room. At the end of the movie, when he returned to the future, Elise was holding his pocket watch, which she returned to him when she was old. All that concludes he did time travel, he just hadn't done it yet.

Thanks. Time travel movies sure are confusing.

Question: Why doesn't it show Luke turning into a mouse with all the smoke?

Answer: We've already witnessed Bruno being turned into a mouse so there's no need for us to see Lukes transformation as we already know how his transformation is going to be.

Question: Why were Henry's coat sleeves ripped off after he demanded that the ship go in another direction?

Answer: They're marking him as treasonous. He's countermanding the lawful orders of his commanders, which can be seen as the start of mutiny. And when he's confronted in the hospital (0:25:44), Scarfield says "Your sleeves have been ripped. The mark of treason."


Question: Two questions. 1. Since Frederick knew that Annabelle was cheating on him with David, why didn't Frederick just file for a divorce? 2. Since Frederick's plan was to murder Annabelle and David, then why invite the others? Why not just take Annabelle to the house, kill her and then invite David and do the same thing? If nobody else had been at the house, he could have got away with it especially since the acid would have left no trace of Annabelle or David.

Answer: Because then there wouldn't be a movie. It's called "suspension of disbelief", where we accept that movie characters often make decisions that, in real life, they would not. This only becomes a problem if it negatively affects the believability of the story within the universe of the film. If the entire plot depends on a questionable/unrealistic choice, then the filmmakers really have no choice but to lean into it and hope the audience goes along for the ride.

Question: Did Chessy overhear "Hallie" talking on the phone in the middle of the night? Or was it Nick that overheard, and he told Chessy about it?

Answer: The movie doesn't say, but since Chessy brought it up, it was most likely her. She noticed small differences about Hallie's mannerisms when she came back from camp, while Nick was more oblivious.

Question: Why did the old T-800 prevent his younger self from killing three punks and stealing their clothes? I mean, these punks were meaningless to it, so why did it save them?

Answer: The T-800 "Pops" was working with Sarah Connor, and they were trying to eliminate any Terminator sent back in time. The punks were incidental and the aim was not necessarily to save them, but Sarah probably also wanted to minimise the collateral deaths as much as possible by destroying the machines as soon as they emerged.


Question: When the Lakota go to save Dunbar, Bauer gets away, one of the Lakota kills him. Should've the hatchet been in his back and not the front? (02:49:11)

Ultra Fine

You Only Move Twice - S8-E2

Question: I, like Marge, don't know much about football. Why is Homer disappointed to own the Denver Broncos team? I know his first choice was owning the Dallas Cowboys, but he seems to especially dislike the Broncos.

Answer: I don't think the writers had anything particular in mind when choosing the Denver Broncos to be the butt of the joke. But I wonder if it's meant to be a clue where Springfield is. But, while this episode did air late 1996 when the Broncos had a winning season, given the amount of time needed to produce the episode, it was written when the Broncos were a mediocre team at best. From '92-'95 they had a 32-32 record and never finished higher than 3rd in their division. And the Cowboys and Broncos are in separate conferences, so they're not particularly rivals. But as Phaneron points out, the Broncos ended up winning back-to-back Super Bowls in the following 2 season after this episode aired, so Homer is a very lucky guy.


Probably also worth mentioning that by the time this episode had aired, the Broncos had an 0-4 record in the Super Bowl, and to this day I believe they hold the record for most Super Bowl losses.


The Buffalo Bills also had an 0-4 record at the time of airing having lost 4 straight years.


The Vikings are also 0-4 in the Super Bowl. The Patriots have 5 losses (although only had 1 at the time this episode aired).


True, and they would have been a funnier pick for Homer to end up owning, given that two consecutive of those four Super Bowl losses were to the Cowboys. Although Homer fantasizing about being John Elway in the episode Cape Feare makes his disdain for the Broncos rather funny.


Answer: Possibly, but very unlikely. The mid-credits scene in Spider-Man: No Way Home sees Eddie Brock telling his bartender that he intends to go to New York to "talk to this Spider-Man guy" (paraphrased), which would suggest he's never heard of Spider-Man before, and if he occupied the same universe as the Andrew Garfield version, he would definitely know who Spider-Man is, not least because Eddie is an investigative journalist, and Spider-Man would undoubtedly be one of, if not the most, famous persons on the planet.


Answer: No, it's established that Tom Hardy's Venom is in a universe of his own. The mid-credit scene of "Let There Be Carnage," shows him jumping into the MCU and seeing Spider-Man for the first time. At the end of "No Way Home," he wants to go to New York, but is pulled back, but leaving a piece behind. Somebody will be Venom in the MCU, maybe rich kid Eddie Brock, his arrongance would be perfect for Venom.

Venom, as in the symbiote, knows who Spider-Man is and has been to multiple universes. It's Eddie Brock that seems unaware of Spider-Man. Although there was that "incident at the Daily Globe", which in the comics is what started Brock's hatred of Spider-Man.


Answer: I agree it's unlikely he's in the Garfield universe. At the time of the film, Tom Holland was already Spider-Man. It would be different if this Venom film came out before 2016. But the Symbiote has been to other universes in the multiverse as explained in "Venom: Let There Be Carnage", so it's possible it's been to the Garfield universe and could be the same one from the Maguire universe.


Question: In the beginning of the film, the sea monster thing was mistaken for a level 10-11 earthquake. If it was that powerful, wouldn't it be creating tsunamis? The same thing with their thermal energy core that Sarah blows up. Wouldn't it cause a tsunami? I don't really know geology very well so sorry if this is stupid.

Question: McElroy is gutshot at close range. Operated on w/ rusty pliers, no drugs. Minutes later he walks around, and next day seems fine as he rides in a posse. Totally impossible! Shouldn't he be dead?

Answer: Obviously. But to quote Josephus, movies is magic.

Question: How did the police not come across the fact that Nichols drove Richard's car, meaning he had access to the keys to the house or that a phone call was made from the car while it was in his possession? Surely this would have been known or mentioned to the investigators since they had a timeline of Richard being at the fundraiser?


Answer: Yes, but as is shown in the film, the police investigation was incompetent at best. They decided very early on that Richard was guilty, and did only the most rudimentary of legwork to prove their theory, while not following up on leads like this one that would just muddy the waters. Definitely a misstep on behalf of Richard's defense not to bring it up at trial, of course.

For sure, the Chicago PD thought they had an easy open and shut case and did no real investigation. That's why they are still mad at the end because they were jerks who didn't want to admit how lazy they were.

Question: Why does Brad take the blame for Charlie for shooting April with the slingshot? If he tells dad that Charlie had done that, he would've told him it was an accident.


Answer: Charlie had become a chronic drunk and the town considered him a crackpot with his claims about alien abductions being foretold through his dental work. Even though it was an accident, he could have been declared incompetent and a danger to himself and others; he possibly could have been involuntarily committed. Brad is protecting him.


Question: The gang meet the prisoner Jeff on the ship given by Rassouli. After his first appearance, he never shows up in the rest of the movie. What happened to him? Were his scenes edited out?

Bunch Son

Question: In the book and the movie, why did Sirius wait many years before escaping Azkaban? If I remember the book correctly, he did it by changing into his dog form and walking past the Dementors, who navigate by emotions. I know he had seen Ron holding Scabbers/disguised Peter in the newspaper article, but could he not have turned into his dog form and walked out years ago? Even without knowing where Peter was?

Answer: To add to the other fine answer that I agree with, Sirius' mental state negatively affected his desire and/or ability to escape. He languished in prison as a broken man, knowing that everyone believed him guilty and that no-one would help him if he did escape. Others would have killed him. It was a while before Sirius realised the Dementors couldn't detect his dog form. It also wasn't until he'd lost a significant amount of weight from being half-starved that he could slip through the bars as a dog, though, realistically, it wouldn't have taken 12 years to become that thin.


Answer: And do what? He had no goal, no way of avenging his wrongful imprisonment. He knew the dementors and every auror would be chasing him if he escaped, he had nowhere to go, no plan. Without any leads he would just be recaptured (and killed most likely). Seeing Wormtail in the papers however, gave him a reason to escape.


Question: When Carl found his police car smashed into the tree, shouldn't the airbag be deployed?


Answer: I'm not sure about Carls cruiser because he appears to be the only Officer in a small town, I doubt very much he's getting into high speed pursuits. However, in my cruiser I have the option to disable the air bag system. This is due to the possibility of the air bags deploying if a suspect vehicle stops and then deliberately backs into the pursuing cruiser.

Answer: It should have deployed, that model Caprice came with an airbag standard. Airbags will sometimes fail to deploy due to equipment malfunction.


Question: Is Chris Rock's beard throughout the film an appliance, or did Rock actually grow it out? (I know his goatee in the flashback is fake, I'm talking about the beard he has during all the modern day scenes.) I could swear I saw a little glue on his chin next to his beard in one scene, like it was an appliance, but I couldn't quite tell, so I didn't submit it as a mistake.


Drugs Actually - S5-E11

Question: The Army says Ian could serve 5 years in prison for going AWOL. Given that he fraudulently enlisted at the age of 17, could they actually charge him with going AWOL when he wasn't legally allowed to serve in the military in the first place?


Question: Why was Molly Weasley absent in this movie? Did her actress, Julie Walters, get sick or was simply too busy with another movie?

Answer: Walters wanted to be in it. "Goblet of Fire" is a fairly long story with many new characters added. In the book, Molly mostly appeared early on in scenes confined to the Weasleys' home. She did not attend the World Quidditch Cup or play a significant role in the overall story arc. To trim its running length, the movie starts later in the story as Harry and the Weasleys, minus Molly, set off for the match. There was really no reason, plot wise, to add her character into the already complex storyline. Harry's family, the Dursleys, were also left out.


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