Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When John discovers the disturbing paintings in Esther's room towards the end of the movie, a couple of them are life-size depictions of 2 people in sexual acts. To me, the man and the woman look like John and a "normal" sized Esther, as if she painted the scenario that she would have liked for herself. Did I see that correctly or were those just 2 random people?

Answer: Yes, I think it intentionally looked like John and a fully grown Esther; she was drawing her fantasies.

Question: Exactly what happened at the end? I didn't get it. She stabbed herself and then commits her dad. What did it mean?

Answer: Molly attempts to commit suicide to avoid having to join the Devil. Unfortunately for her, the clock strikes midnight before she can kill herself, and thus, having reached her 18th birthday, her soul now belongs to the Devil, who preserves her life. Molly, now one of the Devil's minions, has her father committed to the asylum, presumably having framed her father for her self-inflicted injuries, leaving her free to continue her life working for her new master.


Question: Did Kim tell Edward she loved him, because she really did love him, or did she just feel sorry for him, and make him feel loved?

Answer: She really loved him.


Answer: She was banished by her husband, Ozai, for High Treason. She planned and played a significant role in Ozai's seizure of the throne from Fire Lord Azulon. Without her aide, Ozai would have been forced to kill his son, Zuko. Ozai's elder brother, Iroh, would have taken the thrown upon Azulon's death. It is assumed, though never specified, that either she or Ozai killed Azulon to ensure Ozai could be crowned Fire Lord before Iroh's return from the failed siege of Ba Sing Se. In the comics it is revealed that she met a spirit and changed her face and mind so she couldn't remember her kids. She also reunites with her old love and has daughter. When Zuko first meets her he doesn't know who she is, but in the end she asks for her face and memory back. Its also revealed she killed Azulon with a colorless and untraceable poison.


Question: In the beginning scene where the two participants had to cut flesh in order to survive, what was to stop them simply putting other stuff on the scales instead of flesh, such as the heavy tools and knives and escaping that way?

Answer: The tools were chained to the tables, and there wasn't anything else they could've thrown down onto the scales.


Question: Why did Freddy's voice change? At the start of the film when he was chasing Tina, he said, "This is god," but throughout the rest of the film (and the series of the films) his voice went deeper. You have to kind of listen carefully throughout the film to know what I'm talking about.

Answer: The scene you are referring to is a dream sequence. In dreams everything is different and how they change throughout the movie is no mistake.


Question: I'm a little confused as to the reason why Esther wore dentures. Obviously she had to conceal her bad teeth to A) have a better chance of getting adopted and B) try to seduce the men in the families she lived with. But why didn't she just let someone in one of the orphanages see her real teeth and take her to a dentist/orthodontist? Seems a lot easier than having to wear dentures all the time, not to mention always being worried about someone discovering them.

Answer: Also, the dentist would have realised her age.

Answer: Esther wanted to look like a young child who still had her baby teeth. Tooth size is not linked to pituitary hormones so her normal sized adult teeth would make people wonder about her age.


Ester's real teeth were baby teeth; people with hypopituitarism retain their baby teeth well into their 40s. She did not wear dentures, she wore veneers to make it look like she had adult teeth like a normal nine-year old, Shirley Temple wore them to hide her braces they are purely cosmetic and not designed for eating which explains why Ester ate funny and didn't want to go to the dentist. She probably murdered the dentist that made them for her in some horrible way.

Question: In the legend of Cibola, the ship landed in Florida. Why did they show him the City of Gold in South Dakota? In those days for an entire group of people to travel that far (on foot) would have been deadly.


Chosen answer: You (or the movie) have your legends confused. Cibola was supposed to be somewhere north of New Spain (now Mexico). The Spanish conquistadors explored much of the southwest looking for it. Coronado travelled from central Mexico all the way to the northwest of Kansas and back (without dying!) looking for Cibola and Quivera.


They mention he wrecked off Florida but when they find the city it's under Mt. Rushmore which is in south Dakota.

Question: Why did the popular kids hate Aldys so much? What did she ever do to them? I know that they don't like "geeks" /"nerds" and all, but they were not even that horrible to her male nerd friend or Josie. They seem to be the meanest towards her.

Answer: Popular kids make fun of geeks because the are different. They may dislike Aldys more because she is antagonistic towards them, like when she bought the prom ticket.


Answer: I think it is only because she is not intimidated by them, and she always talks back and stands for herself.

Question: Did Guy only like Josie because she became popular, or did he always like her, but was afraid to tell her because she was a "geek"? And it would ruin his reputation as a cool guy?

Answer: He only began noticing her after she became popular. You can see Guy ignoring her several times when he sees her as a geek.


Question: When Shrek and Donkey are lost in the woods, one of them says something about passing a bush that looks like Shirley Bassey. Who is she?

Answer: Welsh-born internationally famous singer, who started her career back in the fifties and is still singing today. Probably most famous for her involvement with three different James Bond movies, having performed the theme songs for Goldfinger, Diamonds Are Forever and Moonraker. For further information, try her Wikipedia article.


Answer: A Black Bush whiskey is also known as a Shirley Bassey.

Shirley Bassey What I find most interesting is the animated and nicknamed shrub was inspired by a real bush! Link to pic here: They stopped to sketch my larger than life topiary lady (A Personable Hello in Ligustrum sp.) on a main route to the lake one fine summer day. She used to be part of an overgrown hedgerow and was salvaged from a driveway widening project.

Question: So in this film, through the flashbacks, we learn a lot about the previous films. However, with all that is known, why does Jigsaw leave Adam in the bathroom and close the door? He says game over - did Adam fail? Is the suffocation by Amanda the punishment for failing?


Answer: It was too late for Adam to solve the game the way he was intended to- the key went down the drain, which Jigsaw actually didn't intend to happen. Adam's key was meant to be tied around his neck in such a way that neither him nor Lawrence would be able to see, and Adam would be allowed to go free and escape if he were to locate the key- which would only be possible if he looked at himself. The whole idea behind his puzzle was "looking at himself instead of others, for a change." The reason it went down the drain instead, was because of Amanda, who continuously made traps unsolvable. Instead of tying it around him like Jigsaw asked, she just tossed it on his chest, which defeated the whole purpose. Also, he was given a saw just as Lawrence was, as a much more violent plan B, another way he could save his own life.

That doesn't make sense because Jigsaw told Adam that the key is in the bathtub at the end of the movie.

Chosen answer: Jigsaw most likely decided to leave Adam in the room in case Gordon didn't shoot him. Adam wasn't the one who failed, it was Gordon. He simply decided to leave him in there, the easy way out. As for his suffocation, Jigsaw already mentions Amanda's emotional side also being her weakness. While Adam was meant to die after a certain amount of time, Amanda's emotions got the best of her and so she decided to mercy kill him.


Answer: Adam didn't just lose because he let the key get drowned. He had the two hacksaws and he broke his own in a hurry. And there was also the toilet lid that he could have used to smash his foot like Eric did in Saw III. Jigsaw never said that improvising or thinking outside the box was against the rules. So even if you wipe the key out of the equation, Adam still has at least two other ways to release himself from the chains.


Answer: In Saw III, Jigsaw states that he "despises murderers", so when Adam tried to shoot him, in his eyes, he just attempted murder. There is also the fact that Adam killed Zep as well, so maybe Jigsaw regarded that as straight-up killing.

Answer: Well Jigsaw told Adam that the key to his chains was in the bathtub, without knowing he pulled the plug, drowning the key with it. However, he could have responded instead of trying to shoot Jigsaw. After that, he most likely came to the conclusion that Adam didn't learn his lesson. And Amanda coming back to kill him is most likely a mercy kill, though it's not confirmed.

Answer: No, although shortly after the event, there was a "I *heart* NY" seen written on the small message board that hangs on Joey and Chandler's front door. A small tribute, no doubt. Also, during the end-credits of the 2001 Season Eight episode, 'The One After "I Do"' there is a dedication to the people of New York. Joey wears an FDNY shirt as well.


Answer: They actually had to re-shoot the episode following 9/11. Chandler had made a joke about a bomb on a plane while in the airport during the honeymoon episode, so they changed that subplot.

Question: How did Anna save Robert on the night he tried to kill himself by fighting the zombies in his car? It was seen that the zombies knocked his car over and suddenly there was a blinding white light. The next scene shows Anna driving a half conscious Robert back.

Answer: The obvious assumption is that she used a UV light to kill or drive off the darkseekers, then pulled Neville from the SUV.

Answer: OR - the other possible scenario based on Matheson's source novel: Ruth. She is a ranking officer in the "new society" of living vampires and can tolerate light. Anna could be a parallel figure to Ruth whose only purpose is to get the cure which she does.

Question: I can't remember which film it is (I think it's the second one but I'm not sure). In the film there is a scene where Gollum and Smeagol are fighting and Smeagol tells Gollum to go away. Gollum calls Smeagol a murderer and Smeagol looks ashamed and says something. Gollum laughs and says "Go away" patronisingly. I assume it's "Go away," but it always sounds to me like "You win." Is it "you win" or "go away"?

Answer: It's quiet and a little muffled, but he does say "Go away".


Question: Morpheus says the "one" was born inside the matrix in film 1. What happens if you're born there? This seems like a flaw in the matrix. How can millions of people live in it for hundreds of years and not reproduce? The matrix is their mind world; if they reproduce there, does the mother get pregnant and have her baby in the real world even though she has no idea she's there? How can you be born inside the matrix? I don't understand.


Chosen answer: None of the people jacked into the Matrix actually get pregnant. It's likely their bodies experience some of the "symptoms" of pregnancy. That's a real world phenomenon: a woman who sincerely thinks she is pregnant, or very strongly wishes to be pregnant, will start producing the same hormones and undergo the physical changes involved with pregnancy, up to a point. When someone becomes pregnant within the Matrix, another artifically grown human baby is jacked in and "assigned" to be their baby. The original "One" who was born inside the Matrix was like Sati in Matrix: Revolutions. The result of two programs, which were written outside the Matrix and then inserted into it, using bits of their own code to create an entirely new program within the Matrix. This individual had unique powers, having been "born" inside the Matrix rather than inserted into it, and woke up the first humans. The cycle perpetuated from there.


I wondered about this too now I watched it again. Aren't the babies supposed to be actual offspring? I mean that's the poit of the fields of humans batteries, to make more and more right? But in order to do that they'd have to taken semen from the right man and artificially inseminate the right woman and then take the baby away and grow it seperately. But that would mean the baby growing inside the woman's belly in the matrix isn't real, so when does it become real? Do they simulate the birth too and then replace the fake baby with the jacked in baby that was grown seperately? That would make you wonder about many things. Or me in any case. It's a problem with that system.


Answer: No, it's not. Tenacious D is just a duo, with Black and his friend Kyle Gass. If you want to watch them in action, you can see them in Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny.

Cubs Fan

Question: Did Hannibal like Clarice? The perfume in the letter, the fact that he saved her, and cut off his own arm. He could have easily killed her. What was it about her that he liked, or respected?

Answer: There are many factors here, and his feelings for Clarice are complicated. He's attracted to her in a physical male/female way, and probably loved her as much as he was capable, but, as seen in the first film (and book), it is also her unpretentious innocence, honesty, and vulnerability that drew him to her, causing him to be protective. She is the "lamb" who never inflicts harm on anyone, nor does she ever pretend to be anybody other than who she is. Hannibal's victims lacked those characteristics, and he felt no inhumanity or remorse whatsoever when he killed them.


That ending was a movie ending. The book is different and at the end they are seen together at an opera by Barney.

Answer: They actually became lovers in the book. So yes, he loved her.

Question: Do the vampire birds actually give birth to the pods, like a human female would with a baby?

Answer: It'd be more like a bird laying an egg, or given the quantity, like an insect laying eggs.


Chosen answer: According to Cinefex magazine, most of the suit was a one-piece spandex unitard with the webbing made out of molded foam latex soaked in black dye and hand-glued to the spandex.


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