Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Obi-Wan is being given a tour of the cloning facility, the creature says to him, "They're completely obedient" (or something akin). Right when she says that, we see a closeup of one clone holding a knife and fork. This clone, instead of eating politely like all the others, looks left and right and has a mean look on his face. Is there any significance to this shot? Why would they show a closeup of one clone appearing to contradict what the female is saying about the clones?

Answer: Just because he had a mean look on his face, does not mean he was not obedient. The Kaminos would have genetically altered the clones so they would be obedient, but not lose their aggressiveness.

Bruce Minnick

Question: When Gandalf falls at the bridge of Khazad-dum, it seems like he lets go on purpose. Why doesn't he try to pull himself up, or why doesn't the Fellowship try to help him? It seems that he 'died' unnecessarily.

Answer: This scene differs slightly from the book. Tolkien didn't give Gandalf a choice - the Balrog's whip gets him and he falls immediately. However, even in the filmed version, it is clear that there is no chance of Gandalf being rescued. He has the weight of the Balrog hanging on him so cannot be pulled up; since he is the only one with a chance of defeating such a powerful creature he decides to fight it well away from the rest of the fellowship who have a much more important mission to complete.


Question: When Neo and Morpheus are in the sparring program, Neo says to Morpheus, "I know what you're trying to do", and Morpheus replies, "I'm trying to free your mind." What does Neo think Morpheus is trying to do?

Answer: He is trying to make him so mad that he stops thinking and just acts out. This would free his mind of the imposed rules of the Matrix.

Answer: We can't be 100% sure of any answer until the movie actually comes out. All people know is that the new director has made some changes to the style of the movie and characters. Including, but not limited to a redesign of their uniforms, some hairstyles and apparently more time in muggle clothes.


Season 2 Episode 6 - S2-E6

Question: In the 'Stars in their Eyes' bit, which of the characters is singing as George Michael on, 'Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me'?

Answer: Jerry St. Claire.

Question: The song playing during the opening titles is "Volcano Girls" by Veruca Salt. The song seemed to "shape the film", but wasn't on the soundtrack. Why?

Answer: The band had recently broken up when Jawbreaker was released, so maybe that had something to do with it. Or maybe just a good old-fashioned disagreement about how much VS would be paid for using their song? I agree, the soundtrack seemed somehow empty without it.

Question: Who turned off the lights near the end, when she's fighting all those men?

Answer: The lights are flipped on and off by the woman who owns the inn (with her husband). She's shown in brief jump-cuts throwing a big switch.

Carl Fink

Question: Could anyone hear what Bob whispers into Charlotte's ear near the end of the film, just before he kisses her?

Answer: You're not meant to. Leaves you to decide what he says.

rabid anarchist

Question: In the very first scene in the movie, Brat Pitt says something like, "Any last words?", to which Ed answers, "I can't think of anything". At the end of the movie, you see that scene again, but this time Ed answers, "I still can't think of anything". Why is this? Weren't the scenes supposed to be exactly the same?

Answer: Brad Pitt responds "ah, flashback humor" when Ed Norton says that. It's just a joke.

Nick N.

Answer: It's a fourth wall break, a kind of wink to the audience.

Answer: Luca is Croatian. His wife and children were killed during the war, and he moved to the US after that.

Jack's Revenge

Question: Why do the crooks stage the scene in which Danny is 'eliminated' from the plan. What advantage do they gain in Linus' ignorance?

Answer: They needed to make sure Linus had confidence in himself and took more responsibility for his actions. Especially after the incident, when he left the van, even though he was specifically told to stay in the van.

Super Grover

Question: How does discovering the Bible stamped with "The Drake Hotel" tip Ethan Hunt off that Jim Phelps is Job? And what alerts Ethan of Krieger's complicity, since he's the one who recruits Krieger to help him steal the NOC list?

Answer: Phelps told them earlier that he stayed in the Drake Hotel, so Ethan made the link that way - there's no reason for Phelps to have brought the bible with him unless he needed one, in this case for the biblical references required for the Job communications. He tumbles to Krieger's involvement because the knife used to kill Sarah during the blown mission was the same precise type as the one Krieger uses - which Ethan saw during the CIA infiltration when Krieger threatened to kill the security guard.


The problem is, Max specifically said that Job didn't make Bible references. So why did Jim have a Bible or ever take it from the Drake Hotel in the first place?

Answer: "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaac.

Jane Doe

Question: What was the ultimate destination of the Jupiter mission? The giant planet is made of gas, it has no solid surface to land on. Theoretically a spacecraft could land on one of Jupiter's moons, but they lie within the lethal radiation belt.

Answer: The ultimate goal was to orbit Jupiter to study the Monolith also in orbit around it.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: The objective of the Discovery (Jupiter) mission was to locate the recipient of the powerful radio signal that was transmitted from the Moon earlier in the movie. Interestingly, the destination of the Discovery mission changed between Jupiter to Saturn and back to Jupiter during the production of the film. The Jupiter visual effects had already been shot ("in the can" as it were) when Stanley Kubrick decided to change to Saturn. It was the protest of the visual effects team, who had already spent much time and money on the Jupiter effects, that convinced Kubrick to stay with Jupiter. In the meantime, author Arthur C. Clarke went ahead and changed the destination to Saturn in his written treatment of the movie.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Does anyone know why Boo hated Garp so much, the movie doesn't explain it.

Answer: The book makes it pretty obvious that there are a number of factors: 1) She caught Garp and her sister in the middle of things. 2) Garp hurt her dog. 3) She actually hated him from the start and it just got worse.

Question: Why was McClane introduced in the first Die Hard movie as a New York badge, and in the second Die Hard movie as a L.A. badge? Then in the third Die Hard movie, he's again a New York cop.

Answer: In the first movie he's a New York cop visiting his wife. In the second Die Hard, he tells the airport officer that he's LAPD and moved there because of his wife's job. In the third Die Hard film, he most likely went back to New York because of marital problems and became a New York cop again.

Question: Why doesn't Sauron sense the Ring when Frodo is in Mordor, especially when the Eye sees him?

Answer: Frodo is not wearing the Ring on his finger, so the Eye does not see him in particular. The Great Eye is busy concentrating on the war.

Super Grover

Question: Terry Chaney from the first final destination got "splattered" by a bus, her initials are T.C., and she was second on death's list, Tim Carpenter from the second final destination gets "splattered" by plate glass, his initials are T.C. and he was also second on death's list. Did the screenwriters do that on purpose or did that just a coincidence?

Answer: It was a coincidence, Since it would have to be the same for all of the other individuals on deaths list. But, if you watch both movies, the first person who dies in Final Destinations dies in a similair manner as the first person on deaths list in Final Destinations 2. It is like this for every other person, too.

Question: Does anyone know the name of the song near the end of the movie, just after the prom, when they're all kissing?

Answer: The song is called Sway by Bic Runga.

Question: Towards the end of the film when Graves has been revealed to be Korean, why is he still using an English accent?

Answer: By this stage, it's become a habit.

J I Cohen

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