
1st Jun 2024

Lock Up (1989)

8.7/10. A pretty good Stallone movie of the late 80's. He and John Amos really make this grim prison atmosphere movie work. I really consider this one of Stallone's best movies. If anything, it deserves more love and recognition than what it gets.


6.8/10. A pretty decent crime thriller set in New Mexico in the 80's. Katy O'Brian is the real star here as Jackie a bodybuilder who's on her way to Las Vegas for a competition. While passing through town she meets and falls in love with gym owner Louise "Lou"Langstrom played an OK Kristen Stewart. She caves in to the pressure and desire to win by taking steroids offered to her by Lou. I honestly felt for Jackie as gosh knows how many women gave in to this dangerous practice due to the judges at all these Ms Olympias having their favorite contestants of Cory Everson, Lenda Murray, Iris Kyle, and now Andrea Shaw win year after year. Those four and some others like Bev Francis and Betty Pariso. It fits in nicely with the criminal thriller vibe this movie has, possibly the best movie Stewart's done since Still Alice. I see potential in O'Brian.


16th May 2024

Fatal Games (1984)

6.8/10. A fun little slasher of the early 80's that was forgotten that year due to bigger movies:Beverly Hills Cop, Gremlins, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Ghostbusters, Friday The 13th Part 4:The Final Chapter, and The Terminator being released. It's a little silly but a fun watch.


11th May 2024

My Chauffeur (1986)

8.4/10. A fun little romp movie of the 80's, Just a barrel of fun especially the lead Deborah Foreman. She plays the lead with a mix of strength, resolve, and quirky fun.While there's some slapstick that doesn't work such as that British rockstar and some scenes with E.G. Marshall,it still has a lot of funny stuff.One such scene being Foreman's love interest running nude in the park.It has a lot of charm to it. A definite watch.


0/10. An "eh"forgettable Toni Collette movie.


8th May 2024

Cagney & Lacey (1981)

0/10. An "eh"kind of cop show. I'm still puzzled why it outlasted "Partners In Danger."


3/10. An "eh"kind of cartoon. Here the smart kid seems to be always getting punished just for being smart. That would Dexter. Meanwhile, the dumb kid, his older sister DeeDee, is always getting rewarded. It had its moments but was mostly dumb.


16th Apr 2024

Robots (2023)

6.7/10. It's a little weak sci fi movie here. It reminds me of a mix of Blade Runner and I Robot. It's actually funny seeing a womanizer and a gold digger coming together and learning to love courtesy of their robot clones. That's a hard to believe premise but it's still funny in a good way.There were two things I didn't like.One was the sheriff's a doofus while his female deputy's way smarter than him.Why not just let them both be smart?.The other is them going on several times in the movie about how great that third world country Mexico is for their robot clones to escape to and live in,as if!.Shailene Woodley does another pretty good performance for 2023 though I preferred her more in To Catch A Killer. Still a pretty decent watch.


11th Apr 2024

Darkwing Duck (1991)

9.2/10. Pretty good and fun cartoon from early 90's Disney tv.


10th Apr 2024

Beware the Batman (2013)

9.5/10. An interesting take on Batman. Maybe one of the best animated series since the original Batman:The Animated Series. I'd highly recommend it. Professor Pyg is one villain who's brought up to date and is interesting. Another pretty good one is Humpty Dumpty, also a pretty good one. Katana is an excellent sidekick.


8th Apr 2024

I Spy (2002)

6.2/10. A decent Murphy movie of the early 2000's adapting a 60's TV show.


9.6/10. One of the best and more chilling adaptations of the classic Robert Louis Stevenson book that I've ever watched. Martine Beswick does an astounding job as the evil split personality of Jeykll, Sister Hyde. She oozes evil here in a way that screams femme fatale combined with psycho. I enjoyed her performance very much. Yet another good movie from Hammer Studios.


7th Apr 2024

Cyclone (1987)

6.7/10. Cheesy B-movie fun here. Just a fun forgotten action movie of the late 80's with Bond girl Martine Beswick.


3rd Apr 2024


10/10. The best book ever written by Stephen King. A good read.


9.6/10. Pretty good Western. Gina Carano's pretty good. My second favorite Western now behind Raquel Welch's Hannie Caulder. Gina's a tough cookie here and she keeps on working hard despite the obstacles thrown in her way. She's great here.


1/10. A dull, lifeless,umpteenth movie about a playboy guy needing to change his ways.


1/10. Just a dramatic ripoff of Adam Sandler's movie Fifty First Dates.


21st Dec 2023

Nine to Five (1982)

0/10. Lame show based on a lame movie that didn't need to be made, either of them.


13th Dec 2023

Almost Pregnant (1992)

6.5/10. Although it's a bit of a hokey comedy farce about an infertile husband with his wife "seeing"a neighbor to get pregnant thus he starts seeing that neighbor's wife, it's kind of funny. True all four adults behavior is kind of dumb but hey it's got this kind of charm to it that's sort of funny. Joan Severance and Tanya Roberts are quite beautiful.


2nd Dec 2023

Bad Girls (1994)

1/10. It's not a good movie but not nearly as bad as The Quick And The Dead. If you want to watch a good woman lead Western watch Hannie Caulder starring Raquel Welch.


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