
Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: When Cordelia is talking about hitting the girl on a bike with her car and the bell rings, pay attention to Willow's hands. As it cuts from the front angle to the back angle, Willow's hands instantly change positions. (In the first shot, her hands are together, but in the next, her arms are crossed in different directions).


Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight - S1-E11

Continuity mistake: This is subtle and hard to notice. When the teacher is giving a lecture in the beginning, she says "Ok, so talk to me people " and starts to turn and walk to her right. When the camera cuts, she starts to turn and walk to her right a second time. It goes by fast, so it's kinda hard to see.


Nightmares - S1-E10

Audio problem: When the Scooby gang goes back to the hospital to try to wake up Billy, they talk to the doctor, who mutters "My hands." However, his words don't match his lip movements in the slightest. He seems to be muttering something else entirely.


Nightmares - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Willow is pushed onto the stage, the other singer goes from facing her and gesturing towards her with his hand, to facing forward with his hand down by his side instantly between cuts.


Nightmares - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When the Scooby gang splits up and Xander walks into the decrepit hallway with debris on the floor and swastikas painted on the walls, he closes the door behind him, but a few shots later, it's suddenly wide open again.


Nightmares - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Buffy is confronted by the monster in the school gym, after Billy flees, the monster hits Buffy, and she falls on her back, and her legs both fly up in the air. It cuts to another angle, and her legs are no longer in the air.


Nightmares - S1-E10

Trivia: You can briefly see that Willow has a bumper sticker for the band "Nerf Herder" in her locker. They're the band who does the theme song for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."


Nightmares - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Buffy is taking the test in history class, in a wideshot, her teacher walks past her and his shadow passes over her as he walks by. It then cuts to a closeup, and we see his shadow quickly pass over her a second time.


Nightmares - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: When Buffy goes to take her history test near the beginning of the episode and is talking to Cordelia outside the door about how she doesn't think she can pass, pay attention. As it cuts back and forth from Buffy to Cordelia, you see the same student (an African American girl with a black jacket, white shirt and earrings) enter the history classroom twice.


Nightmares - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: At the beginning, when Joyce drops off Buffy at school, pay attention to the car windows. They open and close repeatedly throughout the scene depending on the angle. (This seems to be for the benefit of the scene depending on the camera angle. They seem to lower the window the camera is shooting through while closing the one on the opposite side, and it switches back and forth. Still, it's a mistake).


Nightmares - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: At the beginning, when Joyce drops off Buffy at school, Joyce lets go of the steering wheel and lowers her arms. It then cuts to the opposite angle and Joyce is suddenly holding the steering wheel again.


Nightmares - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the episode, when we first see Cordelia, she's looking in a hand-mirror and makes a snotty remark to another student. Instantly between the second and third shots she goes from holding the mirror with hand to both hands.


Nightmares - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the episode when Buffy and Willow stop at Buffy's locker, in the first shot, Willow has her backpack strap on her shoulder and takes it off. It then cuts to another angle and Willow's backpack strap is back on her shoulder, and she takes it off a second time.


Nightmares - S1-E10

Continuity mistake: In the beginning dream sequence, when Buffy is surprised by the Master and backs up into the wall, watch her two pigtails. As the scene cuts back and forth between Buffy and the Master, her pigtails move from behind her shoulders to in front of her shoulders and back several times. First they're both behind her shoulders, then only one is behind, then both are in front, then one moves back behind again, etc. Obviously multiple different takes were cut together in editing.


25th Jan 2023

The Crow (1994)

Audio problem: When Shelly is being wheeled away in the beginning, she makes a strained gasping sound right before they put the oxygen mask back on her. But her gasp doesn't match her mouth movements. In fact, it's impossible to make the sound she made with the mouth movements she made. Try it yourself. It almost looks like she's saying "F**k" or something similar, and they just dubbed it over with a gasp. Additionally, the gasp is far too loud and clear given how softly she's speaking. Bad looping.


24th Jan 2023

The Crow (1994)

Deliberate mistake: When Eric first enters his old apartment, watch very closely. When he first wanders in the room, his body has a slightly weird jitter and blur to it that doesn't quite match his movements. This is because the footage of Eric walking through the doorway is actually taken from the scene in the alley. They "cut" Brandon Lee out of that scene and inserted him into the apartment since they didn't have a shot of him. But unfortunately, it has some odd "glitches" due the footage not quite matching.


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