Terms and conditions of free membership - updated 13th April 2018

As part of the signup process, minimal personal information will be recorded in the moviemistakes.com database. This will be used solely for site-related purposes (such as if members need to be informed of anything affecting them), and will never be passed on to any third party. The moviemistakes.com membership system is entirely separate to the Paypal payment system - users should under no circumstances use the same password for both.

Entries must be added using the official contribution form. E-mailed contributions will not be accepted. If you have any problems submitting, please contact me.

Submissions must be made in English. People from any country are welcome to become members, but if you normally access the site through a translation system you must be aware that the members' benefits may not function correctly.

The extra information members gain access to must not be used for commercial gain without crediting moviemistakes.com as the source of that information. This does not mean moviemistakes.com makes any claim upon the copyright of images, simply that moviemistakes.com must be prominently credited as a primary research location.

Usernames must not be offensive. If an inappropriate username is chosen, the member will be contacted and asked to choose another name. No offensive content may be posted to the site, or any content which breaks, or promotes the breaking of any laws.

moviemistakes.com reserves the right to cancel the membership of anyone consistently abusing the terms and conditions or conducting themselves inappropriately on the site. moviemistakes.com's decision is final.

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact me, and I will be happy to answer any concerns you may have.

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