
Revealing mistake: "Death" sets up Hunt's demise by activating the pool's purge pump and running it at maximum (so powerful it can suck the internal organs out of a person). The purge pump runs for several minutes before Hunt drops his coin into the water and goes after it. Despite the purge pump running at maximum all that time there is no change whatsoever in the pool's water level.


24th Dec 2008

Robocop 2 (1990)

Revealing mistake: When Robocop finds Hob shot and dying in the back of the truck there are close-ups of Hob lying on piles of the drug money. In one shot the $50 bill on the top of a stack of bills is lifted at the corner and you can see that the bill under it is blank paper.


Revealing mistake: When Chekov and Terrell are walking on Ceti Alpha V watch as they get to the ridge overlooking the Botany Bay. Each of them cast two very distinct shadows, indicating two separate light sources. The planet only has one sun. (00:15:05)


Revealing mistake: When Hall and Stone are looking into the windows at Piedmont, they see an old man lying dead in a barber's chair. When the camera switches to a reverse angle of the man's face in close-up (looking back out towards the window), the man's bottom lip is moving.


Revealing mistake: When Marty is burning the almanac, during the lightening strike, the shadow of the post holding the hover-board off the ground is visible. - watch the hoverboard when the scene is illuminated by lightning strikes. The post holding up the hoverboard is also clearly visible when they pan around Marty as he is holding the burned rope from the Delorean.


Revealing mistake: Watch carefully as the statue falls on the bartender. It barely touches his chest and rests on his left thigh. As the bartender slumps dead you can see a wide open gap between his whole upper body and the statue. Even if it crushed his thigh it would not have killed him so quickly. When the bartender slumps down the statue rocks freely as he brushes against it; obviously a styrofoam replica.


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