
18th May 2009

Angels & Demons (2009)

Continuity mistake: In the collider Dr. Vetra gains access to the antimatter storage area by resting her chin in the small metal "dish" that aligns her face with the optical scanner. When she removes her face there is a small blot of blood on the side of her chin from the scientist's eyeball that the assassin ripped out (to gain access earlier). However, when we see the metal dish there is a drop of blood on the side (that ends up on Vetra's face) AND a small puddle of blood in the chin rest that dripped from the avulsed eye. Despite Vetra resting her entire chin in the chinrest none of the blood from the puddle shows up on the front of her face.


11th May 2009

Star Trek (2009)

Trivia: One very unusual filming location used in the movie - the Budweiser Brewery in Van Nuys California. When Kirk wakes up in sickbay he runs through the ship and finds Uhura in a room with several large horizontal silver tanks. These are the lagering tanks that contain the chips used for beechwood aging. The engine room looks like a factory filled with huge vertical tanks. In the movie they supposedly contain engine coolant; in reality they are Budweiser's primary fermentation tanks where yeast is added to turn sugar into carbon dioxide and alcohol. (00:43:50 - 01:27:50)


11th May 2009

Star Trek (2009)

Trivia: The Vasquez Rocks Natural Area Park in northern Los Angeles County, California, was once again used to depict the surface of Vulcan, as it was in the movie Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986). The Vasquez Rock was also used in the "Arena" episode of the original series. The rock formations were named after a bandit that used them to elude capture in 1873. (00:44:30 - 00:58:50)


Factual error: Gallaxhar scans the galaxy to find the missing quantonium. The scanner zooms in on earth, showing it to be very close to the center of the galaxy. Earth is actually nowhere near the center of the galaxy; it's located much closer to the outer edge.


24th Apr 2009

2010 (1984)

Deliberate mistake: Dr. Chandra returns to the Leonov at the end of the film with the device that Dr. Floyd designed to cut HAL's memory circuits. He hands the device back to Dr. Floyd, who tosses it in the air and catches it when it falls back into his hand. One problem - there was no gravity on the ship at the time. (01:44:00)


Question: Saw the film once in the movies and now on DVD. Still can't figure this out. Bond follows Camille to the dock and watches from a distance as Dominic talks to General Medrano about using Camille, then killing her. Then Camille (not knowing her fate, only knowing that she wants to kill the General) leaves on a boat with Medrano. As the boat leaves, Bond suddenly realizes that he must get Camille away from the General and goes through a series of very dangerous moves on the water to kidnap her away from him. The question: why? Bond could not possibly have heard Dominic's remarks about killing her. Bond's sudden decision to steal Camille away from the General makes no sense.


Chosen answer: Remember just before that scene? Bond gets in to the car with Camille (Camille thinks that Bond is Slate) and looks through that attache case and finds a picture of Camille, with a gun, and tells her "I think someone wants you dead". So Bond and Camille both knew that Dominic was planning her death, but she had to go through Dominic to get to General Medrano.


Continuity mistake: In the pre-credits plane chase scene the aircraft behind Bond's fires two missiles. Bond avoids the missiles and they strike the side of the mountain, exploding in a huge ball of flame and smoke. The pilot chasing Bond pulls up quickly, almost crashing into the mountain and passing through the cloud of smoke from the missiles. The camera angle cuts immediately to an overhead shot and it is completely clear around the jet; the smoke cloud from the missiles has disappeared. (00:08:35)


25th Mar 2009

Wild Wild West (1999)

Factual error: Gordon shines a light through the back of the disembodied scientist's head to project his last visual image onto a screen. When the image on the screen is inverted Gordon remarks that "Refraction of the lenses causes the image to appear upside down". True; when an image passes through the lens at the front of the eyeball the lens inverts the image and it is upside-down when it hits the retina. However, Gordon is projecting the captured image on the retina back through the lens of the eyeball and onto the screen. When the image passes back out the lens would invert the upside-down image and return it to its proper orientation. The image should have been right-side up when it hit the screen.


23rd Mar 2009

Vantage Point (2008)

Continuity mistake: When the president is abducted in the ambulance there is a shot of him waking up. In the close-up of his face as he awakes, the metal nose clamps on his plastic oxygen mask are sticking straight out; when the camera angle changes the metal flaps are clamped down on his nose.


Continuity mistake: Towards the end when Taylor is shaving, they show a shot of him when he is nearly finished; only a small dab of the shave cream left on his chin. Cut to a shot of Lucius and Cornelius looking at him from behind and his face is completely lathered once again.


Continuity mistake: When his plane runs out of fuel, Bond and Cara eject in the jeep. When the jeep ejects, the plane is just a couple meters off the ground. Cut to a shot of the plane crashing into a cliff, it's at least 10 to 20 meters up. Impossible for the plane to have gained altitude; the engines were off and no updraft of air would be strong enough to lift a plane that size.


Trivia: The movie had a number of firsts: First time the screenplay was not based on the original Ian Flemming novel. Only the Tokyo setting from the book matched what was on the screen. First time Bond is seen in his Navy uniform. First time Bond actually meets Blofeld. (From Encore channel's weekend with Bond, February 2009.)


Continuity mistake: Stone and Leavitt are examining the rock in the capsule and decide they need to send it to the lab for higher magnification. Stone uses the mechanical tweezers to remove the rock and place it in a transport chamber. After removing the rock they look at the monitor to see the patch moving (Leavitt: "My God, it's growing"). However, at this time the rock was moved and no longer under the camera. Could they have been looking at one of the patches around the rock? Not possible, the camera was moved to get the tweezers in (the last camera view was a lower magnification shot of the tweezers entering the capsule).


24th Dec 2008

Dick Tracy (1990)

Continuity mistake: Big Boy tries to bribe Dick Tracy in the basement of Tess' apartment. He drops two wads of loose bills on the table in front of Tracy. Cut to Tracy asking Big Boy if he is "gonna put all that money down". When the camera angle cuts back to Big Boy the loose money has disappeared and Big Boy drops wads of bundled money on the table. Cut back to Tracy refusing the bribe and he is gathering loose bills off the table to throw at Big Boy.


24th Dec 2008

Robocop 2 (1990)

Revealing mistake: When Robocop finds Hob shot and dying in the back of the truck there are close-ups of Hob lying on piles of the drug money. In one shot the $50 bill on the top of a stack of bills is lifted at the corner and you can see that the bill under it is blank paper.


Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, it's revealed how Alex can tell Marty apart from all of the other Zebras - when Marty walks away from the "camera" it shows the huge bite mark on his backside that Alex gave him in the first movie. However, the bite mark is never seen in any other shots of Marty's backside throughout the film.


Trivia: On October 10th, 2008 the original golden gun prop used in the film was reported stolen from Elstree Studios, north of London. Various news releases place the value of the movie prop at somewhere between 136,000 and 220,000 dollars.


13th Oct 2008

The Matrix (1999)

Continuity mistake: When Neo is in the helicopter firing the automatic weapon into the building he is moving the gun horizontally. The bullets strike vertically, though, starting from the floor near the window and traveling upwards towards the back wall of the room. There are two shots that show this.


Revealing mistake: When Chekov and Terrell are walking on Ceti Alpha V watch as they get to the ridge overlooking the Botany Bay. Each of them cast two very distinct shadows, indicating two separate light sources. The planet only has one sun. (00:15:05)


Continuity mistake: Tris tries to seduce Nick at the river by dancing in front of the headlights of his car. He decides to abandon her, and backs the car away. When he cranks the steering wheel clockwise and points the car up river to leave, the camera cuts to a shot of Tris standing by the river, but the headlights are still on her.


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