Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

Doom (2016)


Samuel Hayden: I'm willing to take full responsibility for the horrible events of the last 24 hours but you must understand: our interest in their world was purely for the betterment of mankind. [Doom Slayer looks down at a dead body] Everything has gotten out of hand now, yes, but it was worth the risk. [Doom Slayer cracks his knuckles] I assure you. [Doom Slayer smashes the control panel, Doom title screen appears].

Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

Doom (2016)


Olivia Pierce: He can not be allowed to leave this place... He would ruin everything.

Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

Doom (2016)

29th Jul 2018

Doom (2016)


Unknown speaker: They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse. Rip and tear, until it is done.

Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

Doom (2016)


Facility Voice: Demonic presence at unsafe levels. Lockdown in effect.

Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

The Jackal (1997)


Continuity mistake: The guy who greeted Ghazzi at the door escorts him and a group of men inside the club and to a table. As he is showing them their seats, he places his hand on the guy's shoulder to his left and nudges him to the table. It then cuts to a closer angle and suddenly he's facing the guy to his right again before he then rubs his nose and then places his hand on the guy's shoulder to his left again to nudge him forward. (00:05:05)

Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

The Jackal (1997)

Continuity mistake: After Ghazzi is embraced and greeted at the door, Valentina is watching from a side alleyway. She glances over at the red van where the FBI agents are watching and you see Witherspoon in the passenger seat. It then cuts to a close up and suddenly Witherspoon has his arm up with his hand in front of his face in a thinking pose. (00:04:30)

Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

The Jackal (1997)

Continuity mistake: When Ghazzi's car pulls up to the steps of the club in Moscow, you can see the bald bouncer at the door with nobody directly in front of him. The the camera cuts to the door with the bald bouncer there and suddenly the guy smoking a cigarette who greets Ghazzi with a hug just appears. (00:04:05)

Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

The Jackal (1997)

The Jackal mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene as Ghazzi's car is about to pull up to the club, they round a corner at an intersection where the camera cuts to a different angle. There is a white van to the right of Ghazzi's car as they turn with nothing behind it, but in the next shot there is suddenly a smaller white vehicle of some sorts visible behind the van. Additionally, a third car appears on the left side, as a red vehicle next to the crowd of people at the club's steps. Thirdly, though it is very difficult to tell due to the shadows of the buildings, it might be that the three people walking past the red car suddenly appear between shots as well. (00:04:00)

Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

Doom (2016)

Question: Listen closely to this audio. Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLkotrb1O5o The subtitles in the game show that he says; "All UAC employees are subject to regular Med-Checks to ensure their production capabilities are not degraded." However when listening to it... to me it sounds like he's saying "That" instead of "Their." I've listened to it over and over trying to decipher if the word he uses is "That" or "Their." I think there is a mistake here in the game with the subtitle using the wrong word... However I can't be certain. Is this guy saying "That" or "Their"? What do you think?

Quantom X

Answer: Sounds like "their" to me. The accent and rolling into the "production" means I can see it could go either way, but it's certainly not definitively "that" enough to be a mistake, I'd say.

Jon Sandys

29th Jul 2018

Doom (2016)

Trivia: When picking up a collectible Doomguy Doll hidden item, the tune that plays is the E1M1 theme from the first classic Doom.

Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

Doom (2016)

Trivia: The protagonist of the Doom series has many nicknames. Including; Doom Marine, Doom Slayer, Hell Walker, Unchained Predator, Scourge of Hell, Doomguy, and DM1-5. His real name is stated to be B.J. Blazkowicz III, and is possibly a decedent of B.J Blazokowicz from Wolfenstein, a game series made by the same company.

Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

Doom (2016)


Trivia: When finding the collectibles in game, Doomguy inspects each one briefly before pocketing it. Each bears a resemblance to Doomguy in his armor in one form or another in various color schemes. When you find the collectible titled Doomguy as his own counterpart, you Doomguy will actually fist bump the doll in a unique animation that only plays for this one collectible.

Quantom X

29th Jul 2018

Doom (2016)

Trivia: Doomguy's suit is dubbed the Praetor Suit by the UAC in this game. This name comes from the Latin word Praetoriani, which translates to "Praetorian Guard" who were the elite Roman soldiers guarding the Emperor. Furthermore, the term Praetor was also the name given to the two ancient Roman magistrates that ranked just below consul.

Quantom X


Plot hole: As shown when Robin comes under the influence of Slade's mind control device, the hypnotized people retain their abilities and higher intelligence, just with a loyalty to Slade. That being said, when Slade hypnotizes all the DC heroes, Superman and The Flash are among them in the theater. Slade orders all the heroes to chase after and destroy the Teen Titans. The Titans take off on foot with the others running after them and are able to keep their distance in a big chase sequence. Superman and The Flash never use their super speed to over take the Titans, which would have been so very easy.

Quantom X

Revealing mistake: After Robin starts to believe that the Teen Titans are in fact a joke, he gets sad and goes out a hole in the wall saying goodbye to them. He fires his grappling gun up and steps out of the wall. But his arm remains bent as he stands casually in the air to be taken upwards. There is no effect of gravity or any realistic body motion in those moment. As his weight should have had him dangle down with his arm stretched out above him and him swaying like a pendulum. Instead he appears as a stationary action figure in a single pose with his elbow bent as he's taken up.

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: At the premier of Batman's new movie, Batman Again, Robin steps on The Atom and squashes him next to the red carpet. A few shots later, Atom's squished remains disappear from where Robin and the Titans are talking and dancing.

Quantom X

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