Quantom X

21st Sep 2018

211 (2018)

Stupidity: Outside the bank, Mike and the first merc are having a shoot out across the parking lot. There is lots of room between them and around them. Yet a random construction worker, with a clear view of this shoot out happening, suddenly decides to take off running into the line of fire between the cops and the robbers and gets shot in the leg. Their was no reason for him to suddenly decide to run between them shooting at each other into the line of fire. (00:44:35)

Quantom X

21st Sep 2018

211 (2018)

211 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Once the mercs start to shoot at Mike's squad car, they back up quickly and there is a close up of the passenger front tire being shot out and blown. A couple of shots later as they are driving backwards off some parking spots, the tire is perfectly fine. Also the damage to the vehicle appears to lessen. (00:42:50)

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018

Team Fortress 2


Bug: Badwater Basin: Sometimes the payload cart when reaching the bottom of the last hill, will start flipping around on the track and stand on its nose.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018


Darksiders mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The Apocalypse/Mayhem: When War asks where are his brothers, it cuts to a close up of his face and suddenly a red Hell spike appears behind him.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018


Continuity mistake: The Apocalypse/Mayhem: As War walks up to Abaddon, he questions what is going on and reaches towards his back to draw his sword. In the close up of him grabbing the sword's handle, it appears there is a wall very close to War behind him that's glowing red with one of the red Hell spikes right behind him with burning fire suggesting he's standing with the lava pit in the road behind him. But as he's drawing his sword it cuts to a different angle and now War is back to being in the middle of the street with nothing behind him having been able to make the appearance of what was seen in the previous shot.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018


Darksiders trivia picture

Trivia: The Apocalypse/Mayhem: During the cut scene where you see Abaddon and before you fight Straga, there is a moment when a Minion Demon tackles an Angel out of the sky next to a billboard on a building. If you look closely at that sign, there are various names on it. These names are people who are part of the Darksiders' development team. Names including John Tran, Howard Tang, Bri Thatcher, Nick Southam, Chris Doerr, Jeremy Robins, Pedro Seminario, and more.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018


Other mistake: During the cut scene where you see Abaddon before fighting Straga on The Apocalypse/Mayhem level at the beginning of the game, you can see Minion Demons freely crawling out and diving into the pool of lava unharmed and dragging Angels into the lava. However, during game play on other levels if War hits a Minion Demon and knocks them into a pool of lava, they die instantly.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018


Darksiders mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The Apocalypse/Mayhem: During the cut scene before Straga, War walks up to Abaddon and you can see a double yellow line on the road beside War. It cuts to a close up of War's face, then to Abaddon, and then to War drawing his sword. And then back to him on the road and now the double yellow line has vanished off the street.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018


Continuity mistake: The Apocalypse/Mayhem: During the cut scene before fighting Straga, a Minion Demon pins down an Angel Soldier and proceeds to rip his throat out. In one shot, you see the Demon's teeth hitting their mark, going into the Angel's neck and jaw line. But it cuts to a different angle during this first bite and suddenly the Demon's teeth are sinking into the Angel's upper torso just below his neck.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018


Darksiders mistake picture

Revealing mistake: The Apocalypse/Mayhem: During the cut scene before your first battle with Straga, various Angels and Demons are fighting. It shows one Minion Demon holding an Angel Soldier, and in the over head shot he's holding the Angel's torso up off the ground. When it cuts to a side angle just before the Demon rips out the Angel's throat, suddenly the Angel is not only on the ground, but almost completely inside the ground with just part of his face and torso sticking out in a bad animation moment.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018


Continuity mistake: The Apocalypse/Mayhem: Just before the first battle with Straga, you walk down a street where there is a large hole in the road filled with lava and some Angels are fighting some Minion Demons. On the other side of the hole, there is nobody. But once the cut scene starts on an angel in the sky, he swoops down towards that spot and suddenly Abaddon and another Angel Soldier appear standing on the far end of the hole.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018


Other mistake: The Apocalypse/Mayhem: Right as the cut scene starts where you meet Abaddon, there are three Angels on screen. The one standing on a building is just looking around, and right before the one hovering by the camera starts to swoop down, the one standing on the building turns his staff towards a diction, charges a shot and fires... Only he's shooting at nothing for no apparent reason. There are no demons or humans visible that direction, and only distant buildings down the street far out of his range. So he's just animated to shoot randomly down the street at nothing.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018


Other mistake: The Apocalypses/Mayhem: If before heading down the road where you meet Straga, you pick up a car and then go down there, the cut scene introducing Abaddon and Uriel still plays. War looks normal walking up and talking with nothing in his hand. But as soon as the cut scene ends, you will be standing there now holding the car above War's head once more. And considering that right after this cut scene, you have your first encounter with Straga, and his weakness at this point is throwing cars at him, this allows you to get an early hit on him right off the bat by throwing the car as soon as the cut scene ends, before he ever hits the ground to cause cars to rain from the sky for you to use.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018


Revealing mistake: The Apocalypse/Mayhem: During this level, meteors are constantly falling down to the earth. A lot of items in the environment are destructible, including all vehicles seen. However, if a meteor strikes a vehicle, like a bus, it does nothing to it. But rather passes right through the bus and just leaves an impact crater under it.

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

20th Sep 2018

211 (2018)

211 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Interpol agent Sarah approaches a location given to her by the arms dealer trying to find the armed mercs that gunned down the team at the start of the film. As she sneaks up to the door and is peaking in, her gun is holstered on her hip visibly with nothing in her hands. This by itself is a stupid mistake for any police agent to approach the location of a suspected killer merc team without the gun at the ready. When she steps inside and walks into a room, it suddenly shows her holding her gun in her hand. (00:31:45)

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018

211 (2018)

211 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the police station, there is a close up of a cup popping down out of a coffee machine as it starts to be filled. The cup is turned so the logo isn't showing. But in the next shot as a lady cop reaches to pull it out, the cup is turned so the logo is facing out towards the camera. (00:26:25)

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018

211 (2018)

Continuity mistake: As Steve and Mike are leaving in the police car, Mike turns and puts his arm back as he looks back to start driving in reverse as Steve waves to his wife. It cuts to an angle from behind his wife as Steve puts his arm down, but then Mike turns and looks back again a second time in this shot to start backing up. (00:20:35)

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018

211 (2018)

Continuity mistake: When Steve is leaving his home to get into the squad car with Mike, he starts putting on his jacket. As he's walking alongside the car, he pulls it up over his left shoulder after his right arm was already in. It then cuts to a close up and he's pulling it over his left shoulder again. (00:20:20)

Quantom X

20th Sep 2018

211 (2018)

Other mistake: At the starting shoot out, a sniper using a 50 Caliber rifle takes a shot at a guy behind a car window and the bullet barely puts a set of cracks in the glass, and not even a visible hole. The weapon appears to be Barrett M107, a very powerful rifle. Other times during this shootout the rifle is seen blowing windows completely apart on other vehicles. (00:03:10)

Quantom X

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