Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Oppenheimer picture

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie, when Oppenheimer is being interrogated in the small room, his lawyer is on the phone (we later find out it's Kitty). In a wide shot, he gives Oppenheimer the phone, and he puts it to his left ear. The next shot is a tight shot of Oppenheimer's face with the phone to his right ear.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Jaws picture Jaws mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Hooper wears rimless eyeglasses, with the arms either attached at the upper corners of the lenses or at the sides of the lenses. If this didn't happen between shots within the same scenes, it could be presumed that Hooper has two different pairs of glasses and switches between the two, but they do indeed change between shots, such as when Mrs. Kintner slaps Brody, or even later, on the Orca. (00:36:05)

Super Grover

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: When Carlotta brings the plates for the meal they all have a dome cover with a top handle, but when Sebastian runs across the table those handles have changed. (00:54:50)

Super Grover

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Best recent entries

The Great Escaper picture

Trivia: This is Michael Caine's final film. He decided to retire after making it, when he came to the realisation that, at age 90, he would only be landing roles of old men.


Best quotes

Colt .45 picture

Prologue: A gun, like any other source of power, is a force for either good or evil, being neither in itself, but dependent upon those who possess it.

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Biggest Marvel mistakes

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever picture

Continuity mistake: In Riri Williams' dorm room, the number of braids hanging over her shoulder changes frequently while Riri and Shuri are talking.

Best trivia

The Boondock Saints picture

Trivia: The word "fuck" and its derivatives are used a total of 246 times.

Best questions

Shrek 2 picture

Question: Since Shrek and Fiona were both turned in to humans by the Happily Ever After Potion and Donkey is turned in to Stallion, does anyone have an idea as to what Dragon would have become since she is Donkey's True Love?

Answer: It was confirmed by the filmmakers that Dragon is actually Donkey's true love, and that when Donkey was a stallion she changed as well, supposedly into a talking pegasus.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Biggest Disney mistakes

Lilo & Stitch picture

Continuity mistake: After their surf-adventure, in the scene where Nani and Lilo are sitting and singing in the hammock, there are two torches which keeps appearing and disappearing.

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker picture

Continuity mistake: After the speeder chase, everyone lands in quicksand. In one shot, 3PO is buried headfirst. In the next, he has flipped and his upper body is visible.

Member Entries & comments
Sacha 43
Phaneron 27
Rob245 20
Super Grover 20
apikachu68 16
Ssiscool 15
zenee 12
Bishop73 11
lionhead 11
FleetCommand 11
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