
8th Dec 2014

Maleficent (2014)

Corrected entry: When the fairies are cooking and Aurora says she is moving out, the amount of blue flour on Knotgrass's face changes between shots.


Correction: That's because it's fading away, and we see this happening, and Aurora even notices it.

Correction: Adding to the other correction: This cannot be considered a continuity mistake, because the fading away of the blue on her face never "changes between shots" as if it's a continuity issue. The fading away of the blue caused by Flittle deliberately occurs (via CGI) within a single shot (01:02:58).

Super Grover

10th Aug 2016

Deadpool (2016)

Corrected entry: In the cab, Deadpool loads 12 bullets into 1 clip, and the number he fires is then counted out onscreen. But during that sequence he's firing from two different handguns, meaning either he has 12 rounds between 2 clips not 1, or more than 12 rounds.


Correction: First, Deadpool is not seen loading the rounds into his magazine (it's a magazine, not a clip). He's only counting. And he says 9-10-11-12, meaning he's counting 4 rounds. You can see the magazine only has 4 rounds in it (the magazine has numbered holes used for counting rounds and you can see "5" is empty). He has 2 guns, 8 rounds in one and 4 in the other.

18th Aug 2014

Dredd (2012)

Correction: While she is thrown out the window face up, in the next shot of her, she's still face up but you can see her twisting as she's falling. It's only when she's going through the clouds she's face down. But by then you can see she's fallen quite a ways already. And she continues to twist in the air so that when she hits the ground, she's nearly vertical.

Corrected entry: Before Lois and Jimmy are about to get to the secret location in the desert, a guy puts a bag on Lois's head and she has a hood on, but when the bag is removed the hood is off.


Correction: It's a while later when they arrive. It's easy to assume they had the hoods removed at least once on the journey.

Correction: In the extended cut, Batman tells he's sending him to Arkham Asylum, not Belle Reve.


Correction: There is no statement or evidence of any kind to support the idea that Luthor is in Belle Reve.

26th Jul 2016

Deadpool (2016)

Corrected entry: At the mutant lab while Angel Dust is drowning Wade into the bathtub, she does with her right hand twice, then in the next shot with her left.


Correction: It's a montage scene and he's being dunked in the goo multiple times. The first time we also see him on his back so his face goes in last, but when he's pulled out, he's on his stomach and he's facing the goo.


9th Dec 2015

Self/less (2015)

Corrected entry: When Mark is waiting for Maddie and Anna while they are talking outside the school, he can see them through the mirror but the angle of the car and mirror are in the wrong position.


Correction: He's parked far enough ahead and to the right of the school and he's looking through his driver's side mirror so he can see to the left of him. There's nothing about the position of his car that wouldn't allow him to see them.


Correction: Hawkeye fires 2 arrows in a single shot. He also has arrows that split into multiple pieces, as shown when he is fighting Iron Man.

Correction: When he is torturing him, the water stays consistently just below his nose. Then he turns the water on full power, they show the container fill up above his nose then he walks away, showing the container overflow with water. This all stays consistent throughout the scene.

Corrected entry: When Batman is pursuing the orange truck with the Kryptonite in it, at the beginning of the scene the truck is branded "Man" and later on it's branded "Iveco".


Correction: The truck is from the start an "Iveco". Perhaps you are confusing it with the tanker truck, the black one which could be a "Man".


Corrected entry: Doomsday gets smaller between the time he gets out of the spaceship and when he dies.


Correction: Doomsday stays the same size from start to finish. There might be landmarks around him that make him appear to be a different size, but he stays consistently the same.


Correction: You never see the sun or any shadows to indicate that it changes between shots. The brightness stays the same throughout the scene. There is one part where they show Rey facing forward & it looks like the sun could be shining behind her and off to her right. That stays consistent throughout the scene.


Correction: It would not be difficult information to find once he was in Vegas. Probably every cab driver in the city would know about it, as well as there likely being billboards or information on the internet.

Greg Dwyer

1st Mar 2016

The Avengers (2012)

Corrected entry: Hawkeye has his case of arrows with a lid on the top which has small holes, the problem is that the heads of the arrows would not fit in order to take them out.


Correction: It's not a lid and those aren't holes. Do a Google image search for "pedicure toe separator" to see the only thing I can think of that resembles what is on top of his quiver. The arrow shafts clip inside to keep his arrows from falling out of the quiver while he runs and jumps about, but they pop right out when he pulls on them.


23rd Feb 2016

Project Almanac (2014)

Corrected entry: After Lollapalooza David bought the tickets on eBay in order to travel in time and attend to the concert, but there were double tickets, so if they use their tickets the other people with the same tickets could not.


Correction: Not a mistake at all. This just means they had to hope to get in line ahead of the original ticket holders.


Corrected entry: When Gale is being healed from his back, Mrs. Everdeen uses alcohol in a bottle, then Haymitch takes a drink from it, but the level of the liquid changes between shots.


Correction: The level of liquid changes as it should.


11th Apr 2015

Nacho Libre (2006)

Corrected entry: Before Esqueleto is being pulled into the hole by the fat lady at the pro wrestler party, he does not have the piece of corn on his hands but when Nacho knocks him he has it.


Correction: I'm watching the movie as I type this. He has the corn in his hand the whole time when he hits him with the guitar.

Correction: That is not true. The jeep driver is Walter Scott (who is also credited for his role).


Corrected entry: The way that Logan escapes from the adamantium chamber is different from as shown in X-Men 2. In that film Logan was covered in blood and walks out through a long aisle, then breaks the door and runs.


Correction: What we see in X2 are fragments of Logan's memories. What we see in this film is the actual event.


Corrected entry: In Highlander Connor killed Kruger and got the prize, but in this film Kane lives in a cave, so Connor could not have received the prize because there was another immortal alive.


Correction: But the immortals are still alive, and Connor must be the only one alive.

Correction: There were 3 immortals in that cave, but they were shielded off completely from the outside world, not just with rocks but also by a spell.


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