Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Violent Night picture

Factual error: The opening states the location as Bristol, England. Santa is drinking in a pub on Shirely Street (neither the pub or the street exist in Bristol), then shortly after is shown leaving from the rooftop, on his sleigh, with multiple high rise buildings in the background. Bristol does not have high rise buildings in the main city centre, only a few blocks of flats, which all have flat roof tops, not like those depicted.

Biggest mistakes of all time

Battlefield Earth picture

Factual error: Amongst the essential parts of a nuclear weapon's detonation mechanism is a radioactive isotope of tritium, which has a half life of just 12 1/2 years. The tritium in every nuke on earth has to be replaced every ten years or so. This is by no means unusual; there are other perishable parts including detonators made of conventional explosives which would be completely inert after a thousand years. After lying dormant with no maintenance at all for that amount of time the nuclear weapons the 'Man-animals' find would be big shiny paperweights and not much else.

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: During Marty's drive to the bogus address, when he is done speaking with Monty, just as he says, "Wolf out!" he pulls the phone wire and the earpiece actually pops out of his ear, but in all of the following shots that earpiece is still in his ear. Since the super-glued earpiece is one of the main plot points, this is bizarre to say the least. (00:44:25)

Super Grover

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The Funeral - S1-E3

Deliberate mistake: Though it serves the drama and black comedy of the scene, it's highly unlikely a modern, let alone future broadcasting network would neglect the importance of delay (usually around 30 seconds) between recording and "live" broadcast. Specifically, to prevent unexpected gruesome incidents like the exploding head seen in this episode from making it to air.

Anson Gordon-Creed

Best questions

Sister Act picture

Question: Why does the young red-headed nun, that doesn't sing very loud (can't remember her name), wear a different habit?

Answer: It is because she is not, technically, a nun yet. She is a novice, one who is in the "trial period" of becoming a nun, but who has not made the final vows to join the order.


She doesn't wear a white cap in the second movie either, and she did her vows.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Guardians of the Galaxy picture

Continuity mistake: When the Dark Aster enters the atmosphere at the end of the film, its wings untwist as it descends, in most of the scenes afterwards and the hologram the ship's wings are still twisted, then later during the battle they untwist again.

Biggest Disney mistakes

Zootopia picture Zootopia mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Otterton is in Chief Bogo's office holding her family photo with both paws, in the wideshots her purse is hanging in the crook of her left arm, but after a brief shot of Judy, when it cuts to Mrs. Otterton's closeup as she tells Bogo about her two beautiful children her purse is gone, then after another brief shot of Judy the purse is back in its place again in the wideshot.

Super Grover

Best trivia

Watchmen picture

Trivia: During the opening fight scene, Comedian throws a mug at his attacker, but misses. The mug strikes the numerals on his apartment door, knocking the '1' off. This turns 3001 into "300", the name of the director's previous hit film.


Best quotes

I Think I Love My Wife picture

Mr. Landis: You can lose lots of money chasing women, but you will never lose women chasing money.

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Biggest Pixar mistakes

Finding Nemo picture

Factual error: When the fish tank has been cleaned by the newly installed laser fish cleaner, the machine states that the water temperature is '82°.' In Australia the Celsius scale is used; therefore, it should be about '28°.' Australia is 100% metric and has been since 1974! Nobody in Australia - nobody, anywhere, any time since 1974, uses imperial measures. There is absolutely no question of the dentist having an imperial thermometer or expressing himself in° Fahrenheit. It is actually illegal to import or sell any instrument using 'Imperial' scales. You couldn't buy a Fahrenheit thermometer if you tried. (01:14:30)

Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars picture

Other mistake: Before Uncle Owen yells for Luke, if you look very closely, a fly can be seen on the lens (best seen on the special edition release). The fly was removed in the 2019 release.

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Sacha 52
Phaneron 24
Rob245 21
Super Grover 19
lionhead 15
raywest 14
Ssiscool 12
Bishop73 12
zenee 12
ChristmasJonesfan 10
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