Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

John Wick: Chapter 4 picture

Continuity mistake: Wick takes the lapel pin off and places it in his right front jacket pocket. Shortly afterwards he takes it out of his front left jacket pocket. (00:49:10 - 00:56:20)

Movie Medic

Biggest mistakes of all time

The Rocky Horror Picture Show picture The Rocky Horror Picture Show mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Just as Eddie rides his motorcycle down from the lab's upper level, in the shot from behind him, set equipment and a few crew members are seen gathered at the top right of the screen, just before the shot cuts away. (00:44:40)

Super Grover

Best pictures

Continuity mistake: When Carlotta brings the plates for the meal they all have a dome cover with a top handle, but when Sebastian runs across the table those handles have changed. (00:54:50)

Super Grover

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Best quotes

How the Grinch Stole Christmas picture

The Grinch: Those Whos are hard to frazzle, Max. But, we did our worst, and that's all that matters.

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Best trivia

Predator 2 picture Predator 2 trivia picture

Trivia: Have a close look at the Predator's trophy collection on his spaceship. Taking pride of place is a skull from the creature in the Alien movies. (01:33:05)

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 picture

Continuity mistake: During the opening scene with Ego and Quill's mother, they run into the woods behind the Dairy Queen, and mom is wearing boots with fur trim. When they get to where the Ego's plant is in the ground, she is suddenly wearing sandals.


Biggest Pixar mistakes

Up picture

Continuity mistake: When the house first becomes detaches from its foundation and becomes airborne, Russell is nowhere to be seen, although every angle of the house is shown, including underneath, the front porch and the back porch. He knocks on the door and tells Carl he chased a "snipe" under the porch - but he cannot be seen after liftoff and prior to knocking. The same thing happens near the end, when Dug claims to have hidden under the porch.


Biggest Disney mistakes

Tangled picture Tangled mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Just before Flynn cuts off Rapunzel's hair, there is a shot from behind him and he reaches up with his right hand to push her hair behind her ear. His arm is visible up to his forearm and the shackle is nowhere in sight. However, in the next, wide shot, the shackle is suddenly up around his wrist. (01:01:20)


Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars picture

Other mistake: Before Uncle Owen yells for Luke, if you look very closely, a fly can be seen on the lens (best seen on the special edition release). The fly was removed in the 2019 release.

Best questions

Carrie picture

Question: When Tommy and Carrie are at the prom, does he start to like her for real, or is he just pretending to make Carrie feel better about herself?

Answer: He starts to genuinely like her, hence his disgusted reaction at the sick practical joke played on her.


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Sacha 43
Phaneron 22
Rob245 21
Super Grover 19
lionhead 15
raywest 13
zenee 12
Ssiscool 12
Bishop73 12
ChristmasJonesfan 10
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